Luka: "Sometimes Arguing Can Be Useful And Necessary"

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I jump past Ginny, nearly knocking Hermione over. "Can we go to the joke shop yet?" Ron asked, taking the words from my mouth.

"No Hermione wants new dress robes, Harry's are getting short as well. Ron and Luka, go with them to Madame Malkin's." Mum says. I groan. She looks at me angrily, "if you keep that attitude up Luka Weasly, then  you won't be going to the joke shop."

Harry, Hermione, Ron and I scuttle down the street to the robe store. We enter the shop together, obeying mum's orders to stay together as these were "dark and dangerous times". The bell rings as we enter. We hear a voice of a boy issuing from behind the racks of posh dress robes. "...not a child, in case you haven't noticed mother. I can shop alone."

"Oh it's not whether or not you can dear, it just isn't safe for anyone anymore." Madame Malkin's friendly voice explains.

"Watch those pins woman! Let me see now!" A pale boy emerges from behind the racks, wearing an expensive and handsome emerald green robe. The sleeves are pinned up with small silver pins that also dotted the outfit's hem and cuff. Harry, Ron and Hermione all stop. They obviously know him, and whatever they have done together has not been a pleasant experience for any of them. The boy sneers. "Potter."

"Who-" I begin only to be interrupted by the pale boy. The boy's dark brown eyes narrow as he says, "Mother, if you're curious to know what the awful smell is, a mudblood just walked in."

"That kind of language in my store is not necessary!" Madame Malkin informs him. Harry and Ron instinctively draw their wands. Unfortunately, I didn't have one to draw.

"To answer your question Luka," Ron mutters, "That foul git is Draco Malfoy from school."

"I don't want wands drawn in my store please." Madame Malkin is beginning to sound desperate. The tension could be felt all over the room. I suddenly notice three people hiding behind the racks of robes, watching us. One of them looks like the Draco, but somehow... prettier. Beside her is another girl with black glasses that have thick rims. I see another girl with them too but all I can see are her eyes, so dark that they look almost black. I am about to say something, when the girl that resembles Draco shakes her head and puts a finger to her lips. For some reason, I listen.

"Guys, it's not worth it." Hermione pleads, nudging her two best friends' shoulders.

"Yeah you going to risk using magic outside of school?" Malfoy sneers, "Who blackened your eye Granger? I'd send them a lifetime supply of chocolate and flowers for that..."

"Shut up Malfoy!" Harry says.

"This-this- Stop! This has gone on long enough! Madam- please-" Madame Malkin says. A woman walks from behind the dress robes. She must be Mrs. Malfoy. Her almost white hair, and soft mouth resembling her son.

"Put those away." She says coldly. Her words only prompt Harry to raise his wand higher. Her blue-grey eyes are dim compared to Draco's but her sneer and arrogant face matched her son's perfectly. "If you ever hurt my son again I'll make sure it's the last thing you ever do."

"Yeah?" Harry challenges.

"I see being Dumbledore's favorite has given you a false sense of security Potter. But he won't be able to protect you forever. Your Dumbledore won't always be around..." Mrs. Malfoy says almost tauntingly.

"Oh... Well look at that..." Harry glances round mockingly, "I don't see him now... Why don't you have a go? Maybe they can find a double cell in Askaban for you with your loser of a husband." The blonde haired girl that told me to stay quiet about her presence looks angry and upset. The girl with black glasses pats her shoulder reassuringly. Why is the other girl taking offense? Why hasn't she revealed herself? Is she related to Draco Malfoy? They do look alike... but then again, so does the girl soothing her.

"Don't you dare talk to my mother like that Potter!" Draco takes an angry step forward and trips over the hem of his robe. It's way too long for him. I can't help but snicker along with Ron and his friends. Mrs. Malfoy grabs her son's robe and pulls him to his feet. I snicker harder.

"Aw Drakie needs his mommy to help him." Ron taunts, "I always knew the git was helpless." Draco looks like he could spit fire.

"I said don't talk to my mother like that!" He yells, trying to rush at us.

"It's okay Draco," His mom retorts coolly, "I believe Harry will be reunited with Sirius and his parents long before I'm reunited with Lucius." Harry leaps forward as if he's going to charge her, his wand held high.

"Now Ron!" Hermione yells surprising me. Ron grabs Harry's arms and Hermione grabs his wand. I can't help but grin.

Draco sneers, "Awww Hawy needs his besties to save him from being a big green monster. Wait... Ron that's already happened! Clutch him harder, it will totally make him less ugly!"

"Madeline! Erica! We're leaving and aren't coming back!" Mrs. Malfoy lowers her voice darkly, "Especially now that I know what sort of scum they serve here..." The girls behind the racks shift, glance nervously at each other and leave. One girl, the one I couldn't see before, stays behind.

"Bye Cat." The blonde girl whispers.

"See you at Hogwarts!" the other girl mutters. It would be nice to know which one's Madeline and which is Erica. Then Mrs. Malfoy's rushed them from the store. Hermione anxiously sits down to have her dress robes fitted. I go to the girl that stayed behind.

"Umm- why were you watching us?" I ask before I can restrain myself. I finally get a good look at her. She's wearing a plaid shirt and black jeans. Muggle clothes. A piece of black string is tied in a stylish way around her left wrist. An ordinary, yet popular kind of girl. Her strait black hair is a bit longer than her shoulders and her facial features a simple and smooth. I wouldn't normally notice someone like her. She glances round, checking to see if anyone's watching.

"Madeline's doing, she does have a habit of... spying." The girl admits.

"Your- Cat, right?"

"Yep, your Luka." Cat says.

"How'd you know?" I ask.

"Well everyone knows who you are. Most people... most people say your crazy." She hesitates before saying the last part flatly and calmly in a way people must admire.

"Did you just call me crazy?"

"I guess I did." Cat stands her ground. She's lucky I don't hit girls...

"Who were the other girls? Do they think I'm crazy too?" I try to keep the tension from my voice. Really there's no point but...

"They're- umm- friends I guess? Madeline Malfoy and Erica Lestrange. They're both cousins and they live with Narcissa Malfoy." Cat says. The blonde girl, she must be Madeline Malfoy.

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