Erica: "The Blue Haired Prank"

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I yawn, stretching out. Images of my latest painting flash through my mind. A perfect replica of a niffler, completed with many shades of black and blue along the body and a orange-red mix for the bill looking mouth. I push away the red curtains of the four poster.

"You over slept," Katelyn remarks, "Wake up earlier."

I shrug. "Was worth the extra sleep." Katelyn frowns at the way I hastily yank on my robes and toss my stuff onto my bed. "You seen my history of magic textbook?"

Katelyn rolls her eyes. "No one actually needs to pay attention in that class, it's like super useless."

"Not if you want to pass, plus it might be important later."

Katelyn obviously disapproves, but before she can offer a bossy suggestion or snarky comment, Nicole Lovegood comes in. Nicole straitens the décor she managed to put up around her bed, and looks into her hand mirror to apply makeup. Who wears makeup to school? "Katelyn, have you heard?" she asks, gossip shinning in her eyes.


"Well, I met Cat at breakfast-"

"You already went?" I exclaim amazed. How early did she get up?

Nicole rolls her eyes and looks at my wrinkled clothes as if she's above me. "Obviously. How else would I get ready in time? Breakfast comes before makeup."

"And don't interrupt," Katelyn snaps, before turning to Nicole. "And...? What's the latest, girl?"

"Snape's hair is blue! Cat overheard Draco informing his friends, he's a prefect you know, and apparently Snape's going to be taking hair potion all day! Snape's furious because it sounds like a student snuck into the teacher's dorms and charmed his hair blue in his sleep. Professor Flitwick said the spell would take the whole day to wear off!"

Katelyn snickers. I frown. Didn't Madeline and Luka mention something to do with a defense against the dark arts class surprise? Was this their doing? "What are you thinking about, Lestrange?" Katelyn teases, "Your mouth is so wide open that you look like a fish." Nicole Lovegood giggles.

"Shut up," I mumble, grabbing my paints, parchment, quill and books off my bed on the way out the door. Why did I get stuck in a dorm with them of all people? Why are all the first year Gryffindors together at all?


Snape's hair doesn't look very blue from where I'm sitting at the Gryffindor table, but Snape keeps sipping his potion every ten minutes, so maybe the rumors are true. Luka wears a huge knowing smile that makes both me and Joseph suspicious.

"How did you do it?" I mutter in an undertone.

"Where are the teacher's-?" Joseph cuts off when he sees me glaring, "I mean- how could you? Why would you do that?"

Luka smirks. "My idea, but Madeline added to it. This is only the beginning."

"The beginning? You guys are going to be in so much trouble! Madeline already has two detentions!"

Luka smiles, waving his hand as if to brush away my concern. "It will make people smile. Everyone can use a good prank in these 'dark times', Erica."

"I don't think it will be a problem," Joseph admits, "I mean, as long as no one's hurt people honestly could do with a laugh."

"Come on, who doesn't love seeing Snape with neon blue hair?" Luka asks.

I smirk, not able to help myself. "People that hate neon or love Snape?"

"Even Snape doesn't love Snape," Luka responds with a smile.


Madeline grins at me as she joins us on the way to class. A couple Slytherins frown at her, Lottie included. Most Slytherins think that she's a traitor Slytherin since she hangs around Gryffindors so much.

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