Madeline: "White Flowers Can Mean Love"

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I take a seat across from Voldemort as he stares at me judgmentally. His gaze is thoughtful but cruel, and this guy doesn't invite people for tea parties. Voldemort is as grotesque as I could have imagined him, snake like slits for nostrils, green eyes that I'd been told were once red. He is so pale that he almost glows in the darkness that's light only by the flickering fire behind him. Then his face, so misshaped and filled with veins, his bald head suffering the worst of the ugly look. What does Aunt Bellatrix see in him? I want to chuckle, but know I shouldn't. I stifle it with a fake cough and try unsuccessfully to hide my smile.

It looks like Voldemort raises his eyebrows, but he doesn't have eyebrows. It's seems to only be skin lifting I guess. Voldemort begins to speak in his soft, yet somehow menacing voice. "I need a student Madeline, a Hogwarts student."

"Me, why I'm honored." I mock, "Sure I'll complete some deadly murder for you."

"Hold your tongue." Bellatrix scolds. Narcissa only stares at her master in fear. Voldemort's lipless mouth curls into something like a smile.

"There's something about you. Normally I'd hate those remarks." He looks me over. "Careful what you say Madeline." He smiles again, but his smiles would look right on no face but a snake's. "Your right though, there is someone I want dead." I feel more terrified of him then anything I've ever been.

"Sorry if I'm really rude, but that's my best way to deal with terror and shock Voldy." I'm crossing the line surely, but Voldemort doesn't seem to care.

"One warning and word of advice," he says, "Don't use that name for me." He does sound angry, I've pushed it. I glance at the floor nervously, as looking at him feels dangerous. I'm not that brave or defiant.

"Sorry, my lord."

"Better." He glances at my brother. "Draco, care to explain? You haven't said much at all." My brother's shaking. He's always been a coward, but then again, this is Voldemort. "No?" Voldemort asks with mock surprise, before laughing, "I expected no less. This is why I need you Madeline, I can tell that your no coward, but... are you loyal?" Voldemort sounds so over dramatic. He pauses, looking strained, as if trying to read a difficult word. "Are you skilled at Oculemuncy?"He asks.

"Not that I know of- umm- my lord?" I feel really flabbergasted. What is Oculemuncy? The confusion must show on my face.

"I suppose not." Voldemort stares at me in a peculiar way. "Alright Narcissa, I'll make you a deal."

"Anything, my lord anything!" Narcissa pleads.

"Your daughter doesn't have to become a death eater yet. Draco will do this for now. If Draco can't kill Dumbledore by Christmas vacation, she becomes a death eater and finishes for him." Voldemort compromises. Narcissa's face falls, as if this isn't quite the deal my mother wants.

"Yes my lord."

"Then we have an understanding. You can go." Voldemort informs us, as if he were just a teacher dismissing us from class. How can he boss us around in our house? Kill Dumbledore? This is ridiculous. Draco will fail, I know he will and I will not become a death eater. Never, ever, ever.

"Come on Madeline and Draco, we need to get Erica and go shopping. School starts tomorrow." Narcissa reminds us flatly. Draco doesn't need to be asked, he scurries from the room in fear. I follow with Narcissa.

"Mother, why us? Why?" Me and Draco both ask once we're out of view. Draco's in tears, my face is white and still. I must look paler than ever. For the first time I can remember, Narcissa actually hugs us. For once she feels like mother and not just Narcissa Malfoy.

"I don't know." She whispers, and I realize she's crying. "But I won't let you fail."

"Why?" I ask surprised.

"Why?" She sounds shocked for once, "Because- because-"

"Because what?"

"Because I love you."

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now