Joseph: "Magic Glitter And Jiggery-Pokery"

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What should I build next? I stare at my computer screen. Being part of FireUK is tiring. I'm going to live at Hogwarts... with no wifi... no laptops... no phones... no cameras... no video games... no awesome stuff. Okay, how am I going to make it? So what, I'm being dramatic. It's kind of true. Very true. I wonder who made me a wizard? What is Hogwarts like? No internet... I'm screwed. How will I write fanfictions about Andrew without wattpad? This is going to suck. Especially if I don't make any friends. I wonder if wizards take science? They better not take math...

"Joseph time to get your school supplies!" My mom calls. Then she adds, "Do you know where we can buy a wand, a pewter cauldron and spell books?" She sounds very confused. "What kind of school is this?"

"Mom, I'm a wizard, remember?" I reply.

"Right but, I thought they might be talking about your science scores. You know Joseph? Like when someone's really smart and someone says 'your a math wizard'?" My mom says. I smack my hand against my head.

"No one says that anymore mom." I sigh.

"Wait. So... your serious?"

"Umm- yep? I'm a wizard." I mutter, feeling the absurdity of it. "I'm going to learn magic."

"Will you learn magic spells?" My mom asks, completely clueless, "That sounds dangerous. You better not blow up your room with your magic glitter."

"Magic glitter? Seriously?" I say, "Mom, I may not have been to Hogwarts but I don't think magic glitter is a thing."

"Okay, then whatever jiggery-pokery you learn, you better not get hurt." Mom snaps.

"Mom... relax." I mutter.

"Don't talk to me like that! I guess I'm proud of you. Not many kids get invited to wart school." She smiles and sounds excited. "It will be interesting to say 'my son is a wizard that learns powerful magic at wart school' no one will believe me!"

"Hogwarts mom, not wart school."

"Same thing. So when are you going to pigwarts?" She asks.


"Fine, when are you going to your magic school?" Mom asks again.


"Right. Okay let's go get school supplies!" My mom shrieks enthusiastically, as if she were some immature teenager girl that- that just had her nails done or something. "Joseph turn off the laptop! we need to get your school supplies! Joseph now!"


(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now