Amanda: "The First Clue"

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I leaf through my trunk, folding clothes to put into my drawer and packing up the mess of books and quills in the bottom. Almost everything I own belonged to my dad once upon a time, with the exception of my clothes and History books. Sirius's 'History of Magic' book was really outdated, since it didn't include much of you-know-who's rise and fall to power. Then again, that part of history is still being written. I still have his book though. I have no idea what for.

I reach the bottom of my bag, and there it is, as it is every year. My father's unread book.

I mean, why would I read it? It's history of magic, the subject that even the prefects and Heads of school have trouble paying attention to.

Yet, now my father is gone, now I know there is no chance of meeting him I feel more inclined to open it. To touch the pages my father touched. Yes, I may as well open it. It has no use just lying at the bottom of my trunk every year.

I feel like I'm breaking a rule as I flip open the pages. Something like this; a book of a dead loved one, it just doesn't seem like something you should touch.

Familiar historic events stare up at me from the pages; the beginning of the statue of secrecy, the witch burnings, along with the images from the past or created by historians. Witches running from muggles, the some sort of fight, all the images moving by magic. I turn through the pages until I reach page twenty-eighth.

Some one has stuffed a envelope with the word 'Amanda' scrawled across it in between the pages. Why would my mother leave a note for me in my dad's old book? Is that ever her handwriting? I pull the envelope out from between the pages about the goblin revolt. The envelope is a muggle one, white and perfect, sold from a cheap dollar store; but the letter itself was definitely written by a wizard. The torn parchment is a mess of spilt ink and streaks made by raindrops or tears, but the message on it is still pretty clear.

Dearest Amanda,

I don't know when you will read this, but I hope for my own sake that you will never need to care about what I am writing about. At the time of this wriTing you are twelve years old and I have decided to get this message to you while I still can. Right now you are asleep next to me, and its hard to see how much my beautiful baby girl has grown while I've been gone. I know this is slightly 'creepy' but I hope you can forgive me, you and your mother are all I have and I just had to see you, at least once.

On seeing you I realizEd two things. One, how much I owe you. I've missed out on your whole life, on every birthday, every Christmas, every special day. I hope one day you can forgive me for that; I hope one day we will be together. Maybe one day, though I'll never be able to make up for all I've missed I'll be able to try. The second thing, that I haven't prepared for the worst. The ministry is very, very angry where I am concerned. If I was to die, it is possible that they could take everything I own, everything you and your mother deserve.

I can't let that happen.

I made a decision. After my escape, I went and removed all the gold from my vauLt, bought a gift for my godson and returnEd here. I have hidden everything at Hogwarts, where both of uS can get to it if need be. If I am caught again, I don't know if I will be able to survive, but it comforts me knowing that I finally have a plan. I understand that you like puzzles. I've tried to create one to hide the location of my hoard in a series of clues, this note is the first one.

Before I write the clue, I want to Clear up a few things. I want to make sure you know the truth.

Amanda, I am innocent.

I know I cannot prove it, and I'm sorry, but I want to make sure yOu know it isn't true. I didn't murder Peter Pettigrew, desPite me wanting to so badly now for what he has done. He murdered James and Lily Potter, as well as the thirteen muggles that were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Your mother believed me, so I hope you will too.

I also want you to know how much I love you, despite having only seen you once, when you were born. I have thought of you so much, used you to keEp me strong. You are a shining star in my world of darkness.

I must leave soon, so here's my first clue:

"Some days here and sometimes not,

When I come to Hogwarts I shine (almost) the most.

Go to where I can be seen up, up above!

I am in...?"

Good luck, Amanda. I know you can solve this puzzle if the need arises. If not then, sweet dreams.

I hope we'll meet properly one day.


I feel a tear run down my cheek. I will never meet my dad. He's gone.

Everyone I've asked about Sirius Black, have never really called him gentle or sincere, yet the message radiates with so much of both. I miss the man I never knew more than ever now. Why did this happen to my father? Why was he put through this? And why, oh why, couldn't I have woken up and met him when he wrote the letter? If the 'need' has ever chosen to 'arise' it will never arise more than now. I have to find my dad's fortune.

All on my own.

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