Isabal: "Lottie's Second Life"

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It's been two weeks since Charlotte ran off to somewhere. In the rain. Without telling us. She's finally not grounded. Finally. Hermione went off to stay with the Weaslys for now, but I'll see my older sister at school tomorrow. Hermione did send me an owl saying what grades she got. She freaked out, told me she'd failed at life. I mean, she got O's for everything except for one A. O is the best wizard grade! Outstanding and one Acceptable! What's wrong with her? Ok I can't get too crazy. I have packing to do.

I switch off my laptop, finally stopping my endless fangirl reading sessions on wattpad.  How will I last without Doctor Who? It's awesomeness that you can't make wizards and witches understand. I have to be an ordinary witch and last without internet. Sure. No wattpad... sure. Just sure. How will I do this? I hastily stuff things in my trunk, then find myself wondering what Charlotte's doing. She's been doing nothing but shutting herself in her room and watching anime since she got back from her last disappearance. Maybe she's just having a final anime session before Hogwarts, or maybe she's doing dark Lottie things.

My curiosity gets the better of me. I need to see what she's up to. I sneak up to her bedroom door then turn the doorknob. Lottie's laptop is on, youtube playing anime. But Lottie isn't here. I scan the room, noticing her open curtains and open window. She left. She just... left. Where the heck is she? Then her face appears over the window. "Isabal?" her surprise turns to a sudden anger. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU IN MY ROOM FOR?" I feel so guilty. Charlotte points her wand at me. "If... you tell... anyone. You don't tell. Got that?" She lowers her wand, finally pulling herself together. "Just don't blab okay?" and with that she strolls from the room. I stare after her, shocked by the sudden calm. Then I race after her. I have to figure out something, at least know how long she's been gone.


My sister turns to me. Her eyes are so dark and menacing. She looks purely evil. "What?"

"Tell me how long you were gone."

Her tone is cold and dangerous. Barely anyone crosses her. "Or what? You can't fight me Isabal." Her voice drops to a deadly whisper. "Who are you to stand against me?"

"Just tell me, and in trade I won't tell." I mutter.

"Three hours."


"That's your answer Isabal." Charlotte doesn't say another word, she just walks to the kitchen.

"Three hours." I repeat under my breath. That's a long time. What could she be doing? Could death eaters be using polyjuice and be pretending to be my sister? No. Hermione told me about polyjuce, plus why would death eaters care about Lottie?

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