Luka: "Adventures Of The Invisible Weasel"

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"Nearly there." I mutter to Joseph.

"Good. How do you move so fast? You're superhuman or something."

"Practice, no magic, no superpower in it. I'm no dark lord." I grin. I feel a cold hand grab me by the shirt and then I feel a hard jerk on my shirt, so hard it rips me back towards the puller. "Ouch!" Me and Joseph say at once. Wait, if that wasn't Joseph who was it? Draco. It has to be. I squirm round in a panic trying to get away from the grasp of the person. I feel Joseph doing the same.

"Stop it you two, it's just me!" says a familiar voice. Female, yet similar to Draco's sometimes. She turns us around with a grin. "Man, I got you good. Afraid I was someone else?" Madeline smiles. There's something I like about it, I like seeing her happy I guess.

"Yeah, you got us." Joseph says with a sigh. Then he pokes her. She flinches and pokes him back. She flinched a lot. Good reactions I guess? Very extreme for such a small poke. "Hey, I didn't do it that hard!" Joseph exclaims.

"We can't be sure of that," I tease, "I don't see a poke-o-meter around."

"Oh shut up Luka." But he's smiling. Madeline grins and rolls her eyes.

"Well come on! We don't have much time. I'm pushing it by a long shot. I have- about... two minutes." Madeline says, she seems to be enjoying this. "You slow pokes better help me acknowledge when you're coming in so we don't shut the door on you. Invisibility might be helpful right now," She jokes, "Or are you in the mood for detention?"

"Okay let's do this!" Joseph says a bit too loudly.

"Shhh. Draco's waiting for me right around the corner." Madeline sounds serious this time.

"Any final advice?" I question as Joseph gulps down the potion and I wrap the invisibility cloak around myself.

"Be careful, don't get caught, or worse expelled." Madeline grins imitating Hermione pretty well.

"How'd you know Hermione said that?" I ask. Madeline stares in the wrong direction, and I realize that she can't see me.

"She did? I never knew that." Madeline seems legitimately surprised. "Well," She says with her own smirk, "I'll remember for future jokes." I smile even though she can't see it.

"Good luck talking to Draco."

"Good luck not getting expelled." Madeline jokes. Then she sets off towards the prefect compartment. We stay on her heels as she's our only way in. "Stay a bit back," Madeline mutters, "In case he touches me at all. Grabs me for example." That's all she has time for, we're now in earshot of the blonde haired menace standing in front of the prefect compartment.

"Well Madeline, took you long enough." Draco sneers.

"Oh shut up." Madeline retorts with an eye roll.

Draco stares at her. "I could get you detention for that. What have you done to yourself?"

"Bruise salve."

Draco glares at her sternly. "You can't-" He cuts himself off and glances around to check that they are indeed alone. "Come inside the compartment, we can continue this conversation there." Madeline rolls her eyes again mockingly. "Don't roll your eyes at me Madeline Narcissa Malfoy."

"Don't use my middle name, Draco Lucius Malfoy." Madeline taunts. There's something that hangs in the air at that point, tension. Fear? Maybe they're both afraid of the other telling others about their middle names. Why do they hate their names so much?

"Fine." Draco glowers, "But you don't get to use my middle name either. Now get in here before I do give you a detention!"

"Fine." They resemble each other so much, and they know how to harm each other. They know the others deepest secrets. Madeline lingers in the doorway to let us inside. I brush her shoulder slightly to let her know I'm in. Joseph pokes her. I grin as she flinches again. Not a smart move of Joseph's behalf. Her movement makes Draco turn round to look at her.

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now