Luka: "An Interesting Article"

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"Full." Joseph says sighing.

"Same on this side." I tell him.

"That one looks almost empty!" Joseph points behind me.

"Let's just say that you don't want to look in there. There's some guy changing. Didn't seem in a good mood." I explain grinning.

Joseph smiles, "I wonder why?"

"Harry, Ginny and Luna are sitting there," I say, gesturing to a compartment, "Maybe we could tag along? Ron and Hermione might not be back for ages cause they have to go to the prefect carriage and 'check' the train." I tell him.

"I don't feel like being surrounded by older kids right now Luka. Let's meet some other people, maybe from our year."

"Like girls?" I joke.

"I take it that neither of us are ladies men." Joseph grins.

"Then let's look for something more manly," I mock, "Then again, I doubt you'd know manly if it slapped you in the face."

"Oh shut up." Joseph replies mockingly.

"Whoever finds a compartment first gets a butterbeer."

"You're on. Who pays?" Joseph asks.

"The guy that loses." I inform him.

"That won't be necessary, you can come sit with us." Someone says.

I turn round and recognize her instantly. Let's just say a lot's revolved around her recently. I remember her face, I know those glasses but yet I almost feel like I've never met her. Technically I haven't officially. According to Cat, the daughter of Madame Malkin, this is Madeline Malfoy. Only yesterday, she wasn't covered in bruises. I look with horror upon her black eye and the bruises all over her arms and legs. What happened to her? She wears dark green shorts and a white T-shirt. The shorts look either a bit small or too short.

"Sorry," She says, noticing my glance, "I haven't shopped for muggle clothes for two years and- well- I can't go to kings cross in wizard clothes."

"It's okay." I nod.

"Is Erica with you?" Joseph asks.

"Yeah, and Draco's not. Best combination ever right?" She laughs. "I laugh at everything okay? Don't judge me."

"We aren't judging."

"Good. This way to the compartment." She moves swiftly down the aisle heading to the back of the train.

"Where'd Draco go?" Joseph asks.

"He's a Prefect."

"Oh." Joseph mutters.

"Here we are." she says cheerily.

The compartment quite a bit of room on the two red couch-like chairs that face a window. The same unfortunately can't be said about the luggage racks above our heads. The racks are covered in cages and I wonder how someone could have so many pets. Then again, some of these are the most odd and wonderful creatures I've ever seen. I decide to study the beings detained in the cages later and instead stare at the three girls already inside the compartment.

A girl with long brown hair and a sort of foreign look sits by the window with a cheap notebook and a quick notes quill. Her dark eyes sparkle in welcome and her hair has a sort of fuzzy Hermione-ish look. Another girl sits beside her. Her hair is also brown, but shoulder length, straight and glossy. Her dark eyes remind me of Madeline's somehow although they look nothing alike. Her slightly tanned skin looks lighter than the other girl's but darker than Madeline's. She has a few freckles dotting her cheeks. Across from them sits a familiar girl. I know her from the store as well. Her dark large rimmed glasses and shoulder length black hair go well with her dark eyes and skin tone. I know from Cat's little chat with me that she's Madeline's cousin, Erica Lestrange.

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