Amanda: "A Grim Dream"

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I reach out for him, but as I do it all seems to fade. "Dad!" I never got to meet him. I never will now. At least before, there was a chance, a dream, a hope. Now there's nothing. I see him, knowing his face from the wanted posters. Sirius... the father I can never meet...

In front of stretches countless stairs, separating me from him. I know he's dead but he seems so real-

If only I could reach him.

"Dad, WAIT!" but he's running away, further and further upstairs as if the stairs are endless, their soul purpose to keep us forever apart. Death. Why can't he stop? Why would he want me to stay away? I sprint after him, pressing forward with all my strength. "Dad, please! Please I want the truth! PLEASE!" The ferocity in my voice is so strong that he looks back, fixes his eyes on mine. There he is. The person that I'm always separated from, within arm's reach. "Please." I beg again, my voice nothing but a dull whisper, "Why?" He gestures for me to follow him. "NO! SIRIUS NO!" I'm surprised at myself, "NO MORE OF ME CHASING YOU MY WHOLE LIFE! Can't you ever- ever come to me?" I'm crying. I feel the tears on my face. Sirius brings a hand to my cheek, brushing me with cold, dirty fingers.

"Find the map. Find- Amanda- find what I left for you."

I wake shuddering. The dream fades as I sit up. The same dream. The same nightmare. What is it that is causing these dreams? If I were to somehow get the map, the marauder's map, which I know is probably gone by now, then how will I find whatever this is without breaking any rules or hurting anyone? I know Sirius, this wouldn't be easy. I lie back down, placing my head on the pillow. Plus, it's just a dream... right?

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now