Erica: "The Calm Before The Storm"

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Madeline begins to pack. I packed last week, so I'm merely watching. Madeline glances up from her trunk. It's full of all kind of practical joke stuff from Fred and George's store and potions ingredients. I made her pack her school stuff first and reminded her to take out her broomstick. I'm painting right now, stroking streaks of dark color against the canvas. I'm trying to paint Hogwarts's great hall from a picture that I saw in Hogwarts history. I didn't really read the book, just scanned through the pictures to see what I'm going to tomorrow. I move to the wall detail with a thin brush, working on shading the picture.

"It's beautiful." Madeline whispers. I turn round. "Erica, I need to tell you something." Her face suddenly goes as solemn as the oil paintings of her ancestors that line the halls.

"What do you need to tell me?" I ask nervously, trembling like a paint brush being rinsed by water.

"You know that chat? The one I had with 'the dark lord' before we went to diagon alley?"

I try not to let the fear show, I'm afraid. What if I lose her? He might make her a death eater like Draco. "Yeah, what about it? What did he say?"

"Erica, he wants me to become a death eater." Her expression is somber and lost, distant and blurred as smudged paint.

"Can't you get out of it?" I ask, almost sounding as though I were pleading.

"Yes, but the method of doing so is... impossible." Suddenly she cracks. For the first time in a while, the girl who's faced the punishments of Lucius Malfoy her whole life without tears, breaks down and cries. Her tears drip slowly down her face, as slow as wet watercolor dripping down the paper. "I don't have a chance Erica."

"Why not?" I inquire, wanting her to stop crying.

"Because, Draco has- has- an impossible- mission. If he hasn't completed it by Christmas then..." She takes a deep breath. "Then I have to become a death eater and finish it for him. He'll never be able to do it, Erica. I don't think I can either. But if one of us doesn't do it... consider the Malfoys all dead." Her voice sounds angry all of a sudden, "How dare he come into our home and boss us around! I'll never help him in my lifetime!" Then her tears return. "I can't do this Erica! I'm not strong enough..."

I step away from the canvas and come over to her. I wrap my arms around her, hugging her like we did when we were three. "Whatever you have to do, death eater or not, Madeline we're still cousins. I'll take care of you okay? And we'll make sure you don't become a death eater."

Suddenly footsteps echo as someone runs up the stairs. Someone turns the door handle. Madeline quickly dries her eyes and glances up. I turn to see someone poke his blonde head round the door, his deep blue eyes fixing on his younger sister. Draco Malfoy. Worst cousin ever... but maybe not the worst brother. "Madeline?" She nods to show acknowledgement, but doesn't bother to look at him. Instead she keeps her eyes fixed on the ground. "Aunt Bellatrix says finish packing then come downstairs for your punishment." He pauses. He's been punished by mom before and I'm pretty sure it isn't something you forget easily. He's the worst cousin ever, but he's probably a pretty good brother. He's actually really protective Madeline, even if he's kind of a jerk to her. He can tell Madeline doesn't want his company and turns to leave, before Madeline stops him by saying,

"Sorry you had to be... his... with him first." She means you-know-who, I realize. Then Draco smiles. A smile? No sneer? No rude comment? Since when has that happened? Not since we were little kids. Then he sneers.

"Don't expect me to get you out of trouble all the time." He says. He mutters something.

"What?" Madeline and I ask.

"Good luck."

Then he's out. He's gone. Me and Madeline both stare after him, surprise showing on our faces. "Well, better get packing." Madeline announces. I watch her in shock.

"Shouldn't you delay this as much as you can? Give her no time to punish you?"

Madeline turns to me and smiles. "Erica, I thought you knew your mom better." Madeline grins, "Aunt Bellatrix always has time for punishment. Besides, making her wait just makes it worse. Best get it over with."

I watch her pack her last joke shop stuff and potion vials. I hope mom isn't going to do anything that bad. At least I know she'll be fine. Let's say that she's not Bellatrix's favorite girl. "Any tips?" Madeline asks grinning.

"Start talking about you-know-who. Get her distracted." I reply smiling.

"Okay, I'll tell her that old moldy voldy likes her lipstick," Madeline jokes, "Oh if I die, just submit my growth potion to the potion and healing society. I'd like to know that I left my mark on the world."

"umm- okay?" I say, trying not to grin.

"Aww, I see you grinning there. I can make you laugh. Bet on it." Madeline pauses, "Goodbye cruel world!" She announces dramatically, "I'd ask you to tell my mom I love her, but I don't think she'd appreciate that much!"

I press my lips shut, not giving in to her bet.

"Fine, I won't leave till you laugh." she says.

"Ha ha." I say.

She grins. "That counts right?"

"No." I grin snickering.

"Ha! You laughed! See you later." She says the last part sadly, in anticipation of her punishment, fear in the words.

"Good luck." I say.

"Yeah..." Then she leaves the room, walking away from the safety of her 'packing time' and into the current danger of the house. The danger that goes by the name of Bellatrix Lestrange.

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