Nicole (S): "The 'non-blood' Snape"

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I glance at Severus Snape standing beside me. Our relationship is a strange one. Everyday I dream of him talking proudly about me, addressing me as his daughter. Although he trusts me and knows me better than anyone else I doubt there will be a time when I freely call him father. For now he prefers me to call him Severus.

I don't have any "sisters" or "brothers" just him. I look like him I suppose, even if I'm not related. I don't know where I came from or who my parents were. I have so many secrets to keep, all Snape's secrets. I have long black hair, but my darker skin tone make me look different. You can probably tell that he's not my father. Some of my friends have said that my parents were probably Asian. Then again, that's Cat. She's all gossip. Not that I mind, it's good to have a friend that's really in all that. It teaches you things.

"Nicole." I face Severus instantly finding myself longing for him to be my real father. He's a skilled man and I find myself admiring him. I glance at my bag and think of all the amazing books inside. I hope the library in Hogwarts is good. I think of home, cluttered up with books. Walls of books blocking out the windows and walls. You almost feel as if you're in a padded cell. A padded cell of knowledge. I still haven't read all those books and I doubt I ever will.

"Yes Severus?"

"I trust you."

"I know." I whisper.

"Just, don't betray that trust." I smile encouragingly, my way of telling him I will. Severus Snape, a man with many secrets. I think of his latest one. A visit from Bellatrix and Narcissa. I remember his vow to Narcissa, the three promises. His unbreakable vow plays through my head. I'm proud that he said I was trustworthy enough to remain in the room.

"Will you, Severus Snape; watch over Draco and his sister as they attempt to fulfill the dark lord's wishes; and to the best of your ability, keep them from all harm?"

"I will."

"And will you, do all you can without giving away your post, to prevent Madeline joining the dark lord at Christmas break?"

"I will."

"Although you must try your best to assist them and get one of them to do the deed, if they cannot succeed... will you carry out the deed yourself?"

"...I will." I remember his hand twitching slightly in Narcissa's at that point, but he did not pull away. He and Dumbledore know that Dumbledore must die. The pain and knowledge that Dumbledore will be dead by the end of the year, at the hand of either Draco, Madeline, Snape or the injury he sustained during the summer is painful knowledge.

"Go." Severus mutters, cutting off my thoughts. "You need to go on with the students."

"What about you?"

"I'll be apparating to Hogsmede. I need to be in before the students." he explains. I nod and head towards the train heaving my trunk.


I smile. "Cat?"

"Could you be any louder?" Cat teases. Everyone knows that I'm a quiet person. "Come on, me Veronica, Sasha, Lottie and the other Nicole have a compartment. At least I won't be riding alone. "Haven't seen you all summer," Cat continues, "Where have you been!"

"Let's just say it's a dark time at home." I mutter as Cat leads me to the compartment.

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now