Madeline: "Beyond Expectations"

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I move to the front of the room with Slughorn and sit in the seat he points me to. He beams at me. "I don't think we've formally been introduced Miss Malfoy. Horace Slughorn." He extends his hand. I shake it surprised that a teacher can behave this way toward a student.

"Madeline Malfoy, Professor Slughorn," I state as politely as possible. This is someone who I do respect, unlike Lucius and Narcissa, so I actually have to speak politely. He nods.

"Well Madeline, are you aware of how ahead you are? What level potions do you assume you're at?" Professor Slughorn asks.

"I don't know. First year level?"

Slughorn smiles. "That's what level your achievements say you're at. I think you have a much higher knowledge span. What's the most difficult potion you could brew without instruction?"

I shrug. "I can brew Felix Felicius, polyjuice potion and draught of living death by heart, sir."

His eyes widen. "That's- that's- beyond what I'd thought. What are the two rarer key ingredients in polyjuice potion?"

I smile. Tests are fun if it comes to potions. This is a nice and easy question. "Boomslang skin and Lacewing flies, are the rare key ingredients, Professor."

He grins at me, a boyish grin of pure excitement. Then he seems to compose himself. "You could be at N.E.W.T level already, Madeline."

"Really!" I gape at him, my chest fluttering with excitement. I knew potions was my thing but I never thought it was that much of my thing...

I feel a happiness that I've never felt before, a surge of unstoppable joy. I feel like I'm floating, soaring through the clouds and clinging to earth on nothing but a small wire. This is a compliment, a compliment that no one's ever given me before. My parents always thought I was stupid. Never will they notice my apparent 'potioneer' quality. My happiness falls away at that thought.

Why do I want my parents to compliment me so badly? Why do I care if Lucius and Narcissa notice? They don't care, so deal with it. You hate them and they hate you. Lucius punishes you and Narcissa ignores you. I'm going to prove them wrong, prove that I don't need an arranged marriage, that I'm not worthless.

Despite this though, I know I want their attention no matter how much I hate them.

Slughorn smiles, bringing me back to earth. "You understand then, that it will be difficult to teach you in a first year class. In any class."

"Am I going to have to quit potions?" I ask nervously.

"No, of course not. However I may be able to arrange for you to take your potions O.W.L during this year, presumably just before Christmas and then your potions N.E.W.T at the end of the year with the older students taking it."

"Really?" I can't contain my excitement. My hands twitch with anticipation and my eyes well with happy tears "You'd do that- for me?" Not many people do big things like this for me. Only Erica's ever done something really out of the way for me.

Slughorn smiles at my reaction. "Of course. I can organize it with professor Dumbledore. However, it will involve a lot of extra study on your part, covering eight years curriculum in a year is no easy feat. I'll need to have some private lessons with you."

"Yes!" I yell. "I mean- I'd like that, sir." I flush slightly. Screaming at a professor generally isn't a good thing.

He smiles. "I'm glad your excited. Although, maybe we should agree that you should maybe not attend the first year classes. I'll teach you in our own time." I nod. "Attending first year classes is just a waste of your time."

I'm practically beaming at him. "Thank you, sir."

"Goodness, it's nearly dinner. I recommend you run along to your common room now."

"Yes sir."

I run into Joseph, Luka and Erica in the hallway. I they must have been waiting for me. "What'd he do?" Joseph asks, "Detention?"

Luka laughs. Erica and Joseph stare at him in bewilderment. "She was best in the class! Why would she have a detention? Although, maybe too good..." His expression falls, "Did he think you were cheating or something?"

I smile. That seems to relax them a bit. "He may have thought I was cheating in the beginning, he asked me some questions before we talked. Kind of like a test. He-," I break off. How will I put it in a way that isn't bragging? "I'm going to get private lessons from him instead of attending potions classes with you guys."

Erica's eyes widen. "Why?"

I blush. "He said something about me being above curriculum." I mutter.

"That's cool," she smiles.

"You guys were eavesdropping weren't you? Don't you know it isn't polite?" I tease.

"We never learn," Luka grins, with a look at Joseph. Erica blushes. "Plus the Erica species is more troublesome than you'd think."

"Surely you'd have learned from the incident with Draco. At least I had an excuse!" Erica jokes. We can't help ourselves; even Joseph and Luka laugh.

"I'm starving," I inform them.

"You're always hungry," Erica remarks with an eye roll.

"Let's hope dinner's good. How much did you guys hear?"

"Not much. Just bits and pieces. The doors too thick and all my extendable ears got confiscated in the dark magic, a.k.a sniff out Weasley products, search," Luka informs me.

Joseph nods. "At least we all have learned from that experience."

"So you guys won't bring Weasley stuff next time?" Erica confirms.

"No, we'll just make sure to not carry it on us or in our bags and give it to Madeline." Luka tells her.

"What if she gets inspected this time? What if Madeline doesn't get a pass from the checks because the teacher doesn't vouch for her again?" Erica asks.

"Better her than us."

We all laugh at that all the way to dinner.

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now