Joseph: "A Little Excursion"

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"Let me get this straight," I begin as me and Luka rush towards Harry's compartment. "Erica's mom lives in their house, she punished Madeline someone knows about it and the Quibbler reported it. Draco and- Amanda was it? Came and Draco told Madeline to meet with him and might have overheard her telling you this stuff and we're going to eavesdrop on them by borrowing Harry Potter's invisibility cloak? This is insane!"

"Sorry you missed a lot. Are you not in then?" Luka asks not bothering to stop speed walking. We have to be quick with only five minutes to get the cloak.

"Heck Yeah! I want to know more! Plus Draco's been a jerk. We need dirt on him." I say with a grin, "And if we really have Madeline's permission-"

"We do." Luka says firmly, "She gave me an invisibility potion reminded me where they'd be and said you were welcome to 'come along'. I think that's all the 'permission' we need."

We arrive at the compartment where Harry, Hermione, Neville, Ginny and Luna are sitting. Ron isn't there because of their prefect duties. Who knows how Luka knew Harry would be here. "Hey Harry... sorry... I... am... tired..." Luka pants.

"No problem, what's up? Any word from Ron?" Harry asks. I know that Harry's hoping that they'll show up later.

"No... I... came... to... ask... if... I... could borrow your... cloak." Luka says slowly regaining his ease of breathing.

"Um... Did Ron tell you about that?" Harry asks nervously.

"Nope... Figured it out... myself."

"Why do you need it?" Harry Potter sounds concerned. I guess he should be. Not many people run around asking for invisibility cloaks.

"I know you suspect Draco," Luka says finally speaking normally, "And I do too. He's up to something I just want to snoop for a bit. I'll bring it back and won't let it out of my sight."

"Good old Luka." Ginny laughs with an eye roll.

"I guess." Harry mutters, pulling the cloak from his pocket. "Just I wanna know any interesting stuff."

"Your not agreeing to this are you?" Hermione asks, "Harry, Luka's a snoop as it is!"

"Don't you want to know what's going on with the Malfoys?"

Hermione says nothing as Luka takes the cloak from Harry.

"Thanks Harry! See you later!" Luka says then rushes off. I follow still out of breath. We head towards the prefect compartment. We pass busy compartments filled with students and the snack trolley.

Luka slams against something hard, which slams me into him. "Ouch." I mutter rubbing my head. It hurts for a second, everything feeling fuzzy as I stand up.

"Sorry." Luka mutters.

"That must of hurt you two. Do you make it a habit to fall over mudblood?" A familiar voice comments snidely. My heart drops. Uh oh. The only person that saw me fall over apart from Erica and Madeline was-

"Shut up Draco." Luka retorts, pulling me to my feet. "You okay Joseph?"

"Fine." I reassure him, glaring at Draco Malfoy.

"This is why your family doesn't get on well Weasley. You associate yourself with such filth." Draco sneers at him. "Maybe people would like your family and pay your father more if you kept to traditions more. That would mean your family abandoning all the mudblood friends."

"It's strange that your judging my family. What, with your perfect pureblood father in jail and all that Draco Malfoy." Luka taunts. Draco's face gets a bit less albino.

"What are you doing here?" Draco snaps suspiciously, "I believe your compartment was five carriages down and on the other side of the train."

"I was seeing my brother." Luka lies.

"I believe your brother's doing his prefect duties, patrolling the train. Plus if he wasn't he'd go sit with Potter and I believe his compartment's at least three carriages back." Draco sneers, "What are you up to boys?"

"We got lost. We didn't know he had prefect duties still!" I argue, making up stuff on the spot.

"I think you did. I can give you a detention you know. Or worse-"

"Draco Malfoy, what the heck are you doing?" Someone interrupts.

"Do you follow me everywhere Amanda? I'm dealing with these two." Draco says.

"Yeah? What have they done?" Amanda defends not answering his question.

"Why do you care?" Draco retaliates.

"Because I've seen you abuse that badge on your chest all the time in the past year you've had it Draco Malfoy!" Amanda's voice almost sounds scolding.

"Shut up mudblood!"

"I'm a half blood," Amanda reports smirking, "And your running out of insults."

"They're being suspicious." Draco informs her, "I'm investigating."

"Well stop investigating. I thought you were meeting your sister in what- two minutes?" Amanda reminds him. Is she really defending us?

"Fine." Draco sighs defeated. "I'll see you round mudblood." Draco taunts glaring at me, "And you too Weasel-boy."

Amanda rolls her eyes. "Just go Draco. You're acting like a four-year-old. 'Okay but I'll get you, bla, bla, bla.'"

"Like you're any better." Draco mutters as he walks away.

"Thanks Amanda." Luka smiles.

"Yeah thanks." I reinforce.

"I owed Percy one and I hate Draco Malfoy. Plus, I only helped you because you hadn't done anything wrong, don't expect it to happen every time." Then she adds, "Get out of here before you end up doing something wrong."

When she's gone, Luka nods at me. "Let's go snoop on some Draco."

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now