Luka: "Pear Tickling"

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*Please Note: This part is unfinished but I thought you may be interested in what I have so far. I have an author's note in the next part that I'd really like you to read, so please check it out.*


"Today's as good as any for a match," Madeline says cheerfully.

"Are you nervous?"

"Not really. The fact that it's four in the morning and I'm still awake when I normally sleep from two o'clock till eight thirty is not a sign at all." Madeline says with an eye roll.

"So you are!" I exclaim teasingly. "The great quidditch sensation, Madeline Malfoy is afraid folks!"

"Ha ha." Her tone becomes more serious. "Thanks for staying with me to calm my nerves, Luka. I really appreciate it."

"Ah, don't get all sappy with me, Miss Malfoy. I'm just here for the entertainment slash spell work. Plus the possible snack..."

"So you wanna eat as much as me?"

"Yep. Always do."

She grins. "Then we'll have a little feast."

"I love midnight snacks as much as the next guy, but how do you expect to raid the kitchen?"

"Raid?" Madeline laughs. "The house elves in there practically give out the food in mountains. All we have to do is ask."

"I've not been to the kitchen yet."

"Well, you'll enjoy the experience. Just you wait."

"I look forward to it."

"Let's hope this is your lucky night. Amanda's taken to lurking around that hall. But even she should be off patrol by now. Even teachers and Prefects have to sleep at some point."


We creep along the hallway quietly. Madeline leading the way. I make mental notes of the twists and the new secret passage she found (she reckons even Filch doesn't know about it. She learned a lot about his behavior when watched him for a week to spot a few passages).

When we arrive at what seems to be the spot Madeline's looking for, I look at an apparently dead end with walls hung with paintings. I've learnt that anything can be a passageway, so I don't get too disappointed.

"What do we do now?"

"We're here," She responds. "We just have to tickle the pear."

"Tickle the- what?"

"Pear," Madeline smiles. "Just watch."

She looks around until she spots a painted fruit bowl. Then I realize what she means.

The painting swings out after she tickles the painted pear on the canvas to reveal a brightly lit kitchen with four long tables set out to look like the house tables of the dinning room above. I guess that the plates transport the food into the ones at the great hall.

Madeline smiles. Hundreds of house elves bow and curtsy, wearing the usual pillow cover. Except these ones have the Hogwarts crest on them. Then look up at her expectantly, and I can tell she's been here before.

"Some snacks please. The usual, something sweet. Want anything, Luka?"

I blink. "I don't want any trouble, I'll just have whatever they get you."

The house elves shake their heads. "It is no trouble sir, no trouble at all. Us house elves are happy to serve the students of Hogwarts." The elves seem very eager. No point in letting them down I suppose.

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now