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[Author's note]

Neomu mianhae for not updating. School is really disturbing. But yeah I'm gonna update atleast 2 - 3 times a week just to catch up what I've missed. So this is dedicated to all LOCKETS! And specially to the one who requested: locketkeymari

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3rd Person's Point of View

You woke up. ".What happened yesterday?!" You yelled in your mind.

You immediately looked at yourself. You still got your clothes.

"Kibum.." you whispered.

Then suddenly, a hand was resting in your belly. So you looked at it.

"Ahh!" You screamed. It was Key, and the worst part, he was top less, showing off his milky soft skin.

He blinked and yawn. He then sat up. You get pillow and hit him as hard as you could, but he managed to catch it. "Bwo?" He sleepily said and then got up and walked away.

You immediately looked at your computer to check on the CCTVs. It just looked normal, a party of you and SHINee but later on, the 4 SHINee members was gone, just you and Key left. He was singing drunkenly that made you smile while looking at the screen.

You then walk to him, and tried to sing with him. And just as you see the both of you looking at each other's eyes, you both kissed, like you were in a relationship. The kiss became kisses, and then you just make up. Loving every kisses, even playing with your tongues expertly.

He pulled out and the both of you were breathing heavily. And again, kissing, that went through a couple of minutes.

But you both just giggling between it.

You then pulled out and he carried you bridal style. And he lays you down. Then pulls of his shirt. He lays beside you and the both of you sleep.

Just as the video stopped, you heard a gulp, and it made you blush.

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Happy Valentine's day yeorobeun!!! Neomu neomu mian hae for not updating... :'( Is it too late now to say sorry? Cause I'm just so busy in my studies. Ohhwowooh! ^_^

Vot, comment, request
Saranghae! :* <3

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