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2 years have past and the two of you are now a couple for 1 year and 3 months. But the both of you kept it as a secret because you were just a high school student.

You didn't saw him after his class.

You were worried. 'What if he's dating a new girl?' and 'I don't have the right to be angry but that really hurts me if that's true.' were at your mind. You can't really focus on the class and you just kept thinking about him.

School's done and he's still not appearing. You got home but even after an hour he's still not coming home.

Tears forming and slowly coming out. Your there at the corner of your kitchen. You slept from crying.

Jonghyun's POV

I went home. I knocked at the door.

Wait!! Nobody's opening!! But.. The light is open!!

I knocked at the door and still, nobody's coming out.

I pushed the door as hard as I can. I'm really worried about _______ because of what happened this morning.

I heard some noise like sniffling and sobbing.

I followed the noise and that brought me to the kitchen.

I saw _______ sniffling in sleep like she's crying.

Wait!! What?! She's crying?!


Who made her cry?!

I woke her up. She woke up with really teary eyes. She hugged me as tight as she can. I just hugged her back with confusion.

Why is she crying? What happened?

"What happened? Why are you crying?". I asked.

"I-I-I j-just t-th-thought y-you'll leave m-me." She said between sobs.

"Why the hell would I do that!" I said. "I'm not that pabo(dumb) to do that." I add. "I'm not going to leave or ever lose you. And if I do, I'll regret that for the rest of my life.

Remember that I love you, and I will always do. Until forever ends." I lastly said then kissed her forehead.

"But, why didn't you come out after our class?"

I sighed and started.

"U was called by the council of teachers.

They found out that the two of us were dating."

I said.

"Ottoke?(What to do?) What will we do now??" She asked.

I can see her sadness by looking in her eyes.

I continued.

"The council made me choose...

To break up with you...







Or to quit teaching...






















I'm sorry I'll wont be your teacher anymore..."



Its really sad but really sweet!!

By the way, I hope you like this.







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