Taemin: Doctor's Order

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Taemin, woke up with the constant groaning. It was ________, her love. He touched her fore head and felt that she was really really hot! So, being a medic himself, he went to get his things, a bowl of water and a towel.

"Babe, why didn't tell me you were sick?" he asked. soaking the towel and placing it at her forehead. "I-I'm not sick." she replied faintly and coughed, clearly any movements consume great energy from her. "You are sick. And I'm taking care of you." he said and placed a thermometer at her mouth.

"Taemin." she whinned. Taemin took the thermometer and checked her temperature. I|t was still very high. "I'm not sick." she said. he did not listen. "Let me get you up, let's eat." he said. She shot up but failed. She just wanted to make Taemin see that she was not sick. She has to go to work and Taemin has to go to work.

"Aish! Let me help you." he helped her sat up. He placed the food on the bed food tray and place them at the bed. At the smell of the food she said, "I'm not hungry." "You have to eat baby. So you can drink your medicine and rest ok?" he said. "But I have*cough* to go to work. A-and you too." 

"Nope. You are going to rest here and I am going to take care of you. No buts. Doctor's order."

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I myself too, failed the thing. This was requested. I hoped you like it. A short and sweet imagine. But I don't think it came sweet. Anyways, please vote and comment and request! 

Love lots

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