Minho: Fated

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A normal school day where ________ is doing her homework at lunch break. She accidentally rubs her eye which has contact lenses for far sighted people. She was tired.

So her right contact lense fell off.

I fucked up.

Getting down her she tried to find her contact lens. Which was difficult despite the fact that she still had one of her lenses on. It hurts to use two eyes with one clear and one blurry as hell. One more thing, the lenses were clear so it could blend on the color of the floor. She just patted the floor maybe she can feel it.

She felt a hand at her shoulder tapping her. It was Minho, the person at her back. "Did you lost your lenses? Mind if I help?"

How nice of him. A popular hansome guy, a good soccer player, is helping a normie like her.

Did I mention I have a crush on him?

He's always been that kind to her, ever since he was seated at her back.

"Umm.. Yeah thank you." She replied and a tint of red was shering at her earlobes. Moments later he turned to her holding a clear contact lens. "Yay thank you!" and she took the lens. Her finger ever so slightly touched the man, it made her blush. She put her lenses back to their case and suddenly, with all her might, turned to the guy at her back.

"I... uhm... Please meet me at the gate after club practices!" and quickly turned her back. Trying her hardest not to scream, her face was red as tomatoes.

And so after the classes ended, and during their club practices, they were only thinking...

Why would she want to see me?

What should I say to him?!

As if time could go slower, both rushed to the school's gate to meet each other.

"I want to tell you something!"

"I want to tell you something!"

Both paused as they tried to register what just happened.

"Okay you go first." the man told her. "No you go first, yours does sound more important." she told him. "If you say so." he cleared his throat and said,

"I like you, for a good amount of time now. Will you go out with me?" He screamed and bowed, having felt the gazes of students aroung him, his ears became a bright shade of red. And so as the lady in his front.

Oh what a great situation this is. She already plucked up the courage to confess to him, only to be confessed by him first. Did it ruin her moment?

She finally calmed down. "I... I was about to say the same thing... I would gladly like to be your girlfriend." she whisphered, clear enough for the boy to hear it. With a big smile in his face he faced the girl and took his hand all so suddenly.

Both faces flushed, the man was able to take away his hand and moved closer to the girl.

"Umm... Can I walk you home?"

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Ey!! Did you like it? I kinda aimed for a subtle scenario. Don't for get to vote if you liked it and comment if you have some requests! ^_^

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