Key: Blunt

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(This is a kind of sequel one shot the the previous "Key: Courage")
Hope you'll enjoy!

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A few weeks past since what happened at the bonfire after party. Key is pretty much closer to you now. And you have come to notice his advances. Not that you minded them negatively, they were even quite cute.

The year is ending already. That means all of you seniors are just about to prepare for college entrance exams, finding cram schools or studying on your own. You, specifically are ought to study on your own since the exams of your desired school is at the end of December. Sighing loudly, he noticed your stressful action and started worrying. "Is college exams getting to you?" he asked.

"Kind of. I can't even enroll for cram school atleast." You said.

You were on your way out of the school to go home and go back to reviewing again, which was what you did at school earlier.

"Why don't we go study in a cafe somewhere? Just to ease up the stress of studying." He smiled, he knew you could not resist coffee. You smiled widely and nodded. With that, the both of you went to a nearby cafe.

The whole time you both are there, it was quiet. Not awkward, but calming. The sound of coffee maker machines calmed your nerves and helped you comprehend your lessons more. Key on the other hand, was relaxing on the chair, reading a music history book. "He sure loves music, and is good at singing too" you thought . Smiling at the peaceful scene, you went back to your studying.

As short as 3 hours could go in that peaceful world, it's almost time for you to be home. Noticing as you placed your pencil on your pencil case, he closed his book. "I didn't know it was getting late, we should go home now." And you both started packing and fixing your things.

Once out, without ever asking, he went with you as you go home. There still lingered the calm silence that you liked. This quiet atmosphere is not what you are used to, but with him it seems perfectly calming. To just silently be with him.

You weren't very sure of this feelings that you felt. Your not even sure of his feelings as well. But you liked his company, and hoped it'll last long.

You figured the best way to know about your current situation was to talk to him.

And so you both arrived at your place, turning to face him, you plucked up the courage and asked.

"Are you serious about this? Wanting to date  me and stuff?" slightly trembling, your voice was clear enough as you spoke.

He looked at you, "I am not as nice as your crush, befriending you and all that closeness. I'm not going to walk you home knowing my house is in the far opposite direction if I wasn't serious."

With that, you quickly nodded and went inside your house. Leaning on the wall you held your heart which was beating so fast it might jump out of your system.

Key on the other hand curled his fingers into a fist and whispering "Yes!" as he walked home.

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I figure out after this I should give spaces and upload once a week so that you wouldn't get bombarded with updates everyday. If that's fine for you. And it'll also keep me from rushing myself to formuate a plot, which causes it to come half baked. Thank you for reading! Vote and comment if you liked it! ^_^

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