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A/n: Hi guys!! This is my spoiler about my Christmas Special imagines..

Hope you like it..




Imagine Onew cuddle with you while watching a romantic movie. You slept at the couch and he carried you bridal style and place you gently on the bed. He kisses your forehead and said "goodnight jagiya~ I love you." Then sleeps beside you.

*****BLING BLING*****


Imagine him wake you up and excitedly drags you on the Christmas tree and gives you a box with your passport and ticket going to your hometown. "Jagiya I gave this for us to visit your parents till' new year."



Imagine being waked up by your son and he gave you a card. You read the card. "Umma, appa! I was the one who made that! Merry Christmas Umma! Appa!" Your 6 year old son boasted. Key and you chuckled at the messy drawing but you clearly saw a happy family under those letters. Key hugged you and your son and kissed you in your forehead and said "I love you." And went downstairs to prepare breakfast.



Imagine Taemin wakes you up and the two of you went to the Christmas tree to open gifts. He gave you a huge box. You opened it and the gift is a puppy!

You are really happy and named the puppy Taem.



Imagine Minho excitedly drags you outside to play in the snow. You chuckled cuz the both of you wore a couple jacket, pajama, gloves, scarf and hat..

(A/n: hope you like it guys..)

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