Onew: A Call

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________'s phone rang while she was busy flipping pages of her laboratory book. She's quite exhaused with the upcoming finals and deadlines upon deadlines stacked up to be submitted by the end of the week. Taking a deep breath she took her phone and swiped up the answer icon.

"You busy now?" A voice that she's looking forward to hear.

"Not really, just checking my laboratory book so I can pass it later." she replied, now in a good mood.

"Guess what? I'm on my way home now!" Onew was a marine engineer and he worked at a tour cruise ship that tours people all over the world with their set of destinations.

His last phone call to ________ was when he just arrived at Singapore as their last destination. Which was ages ago! Or maybe 3 months? But it seemed like forever. How she missed the guy.

"Can't wait to see you again! You have souvenirs? You can't enter the house without them!" she giggled imagining the grown up man standing at the door step and pleading entry.

"Yes, yes. I bought you a bunch of Pocky's when we were in Japan. And are you still into Paramore? Well I got a shirt with the band's sign given to me by my crew mate. Do you want them?"

"ABSOLUTELY!" she bowed down and went out of the library after she was thrown eye daggers for being noisy.

She was walking towards the school canteen when her classmate approached her.

"Hey! I wanna return your book. Thanks, you saved me from a trouble. Can I do something to return the favor?" It was Taemin, her classmate in her chemistry class.

"Oh it's alright! Ah! Maybe you can help me in our laboratory manual later. I'm sick of solving concentrations." she smiled.

"Sure!" and he was off to his friends.

"Who was that?" she forgot she was talking to someone in her phone!

"A classmate! He borrowed a book and returned it just now." she giggled, knowing what the man on the end of the line was thinking.

"What is his name? I'm gonna look him up. And we need to talk later." his voice was serious.

Laughing she said "He's just a classmate! Maybe a crush as well? Anyways! Whatever you might be thinking about me and him is wrong so you go home now and rest!"

"Hmm. We'll see about that. I love you."

"Ew gross. But I love you too." Giggling she ended the call and danced her way to the canteen.

What a nice older brother he is.

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I forgot to upload yesterday!!! I forgot my internet's expiring and did not reload. So I'm uploading 2 imagines today. Hope ya'll forgive me.  미안해~ ≧ω≦

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