Meeting Key

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I walk through the hallway of the airport as I heard dozens of girls running and shouting.

"Taemin!, Minho!, Key!, Jonghyun!, Onew!"

That was all I heard from them shouting and holding banners written "SHINee".

I was curious about it and try to look what's happening there.

But I can't because the crowd was covering them. But one of them caught my eyes and smiled. I turned around and blushed.

As I continue to walk, a warm hands hold mine and I tried to get out of the grip but its so tight. So I face it and was shocked. The man who smiled at me a while ago was the one holding my hand. "Can we sit first?" He asked. "O-o-okay" I replied, blushing.

We sat on a bench and then I asked "What's your name?" "I'm KEY of SHINee. And you?" He answered and asked me. "I'm _____" I answered him but not facing him. "Your in a boy group right?" I ask. He nodded. "I heard about your group in TV. My little sis was a big fan of you and your group."

"Oh, tell your sis about us talking and tell her that she could visit our group." He said. "She would be seriously happy." I commented. "I'll better going nice meeting you. Could I see you around and talk to you again?" He asked. "Of course I'll be around." I answered him blushing.


Thanks for reading. If you had some requests just message me and don't forget to vote! :)

Kahamsahamnida chingu/s!

Sarang <3

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