Key: .... (Complete)

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Key: I Will Never Hurt You



Dedicated to @SEHUNNIE_11

^_^ Here is your request!!

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You were at the exit of a supermarket near a jewelry shop. While you were heading to your car, you saw your boyfriend in the jewelry shop holding a necklace with your best friend.

Tears forming from your eyes and fell down like water fall. You headed to your house then rushed to your room then you sat in the floor. You leaned your back in the wall and cried hugging your knees. You heard the voice of your boyfriend.

"Babe?" You cried harder. He heard it and ran to your room,

"Why are you crying?" he said calmly.

"Do you want to know why I'm crying?" you shouted between your sobs.

"You just cheated on me!! Do you think I didn't saw you flirting with my best friend?" you cried.

"That's not what you think. I called your friend to help me pick this."

He pulled out a box. He opened it and you saw the necklace you saw a while ago.

You were startled at the pendant. It was heart shaped with letter K carved on it.

He putted the necklace on you then faced you.

"I'm sorry." You look down.

"It's ok." He gave you a peck on the lips.

"Do you want to watch some movies?" you asked him. He nodded. You ran down stairs an opened a romantic movie.

He brought a bowl of chips. You were so affectionate and cried because of the movie.

You saw him sleeping. You went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

You noticed him walking towards you. You faced him. You were shocked because he was just 1 inch far from you.

You stepped backwards. He stepped forwards. After stepping backwards again your back hit the wall.

Before you could move he trapped you against the wall.

"Wh-wha-what a-are you go-going to do?" you stuttered. His lips crushed on yours.

You were shocked. The kiss is not sweet. It was full of lust. His lips trailed down to your jawline.

"K-key." You said.

"What?" he answered while trying to unbutton your blouse.

"What are you doing?" you asked.

"What do you think?" he whispered sexily.

"B-But." You stuttered. He kissed you hungrily. As if he didn't kissed you for years.

"Quiet." He growled sexily. It was his first time to do it to you.

Your hands ran to his hair. Delighted on how soft it was. Then to his neck, to his shoulder and to his chest. You can fell the defined lines of his stomach through his thin shirt.

He plants kisses to the left side of your neck. Not leaving any spot unkissed.

"Your so f*cking beautiful." He growled. His words made some heat inside your panties.

You can't imagine him like this because the both of you are not yet married. You hopped and curled your legs in his waist.

He carries you to your room. He gently put you on the bed.

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