Minho: Ride Home

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[Note: The context is ya'll college students; foul words ahead]

Your POV

"Ugh. Thank God it's done." I streched off with a smile as the class ended. It's thursday so I'll be going home with my friend.

His name is Minho. He's a mute tho. Not really, but we hardly ever talk.

He went to my seat and asked me "Ya goin' home already?" It's the first time he asked me. He's a bit comfty now huh? Speaking with his hometown's accent? I nodded as response. His friend must have heard the conversation and gave us a frown, "Aren't you going with us? Let's eat!" he said. "Nah bro, gotta go home, still need to do something." I replied. I really wanted to go with them but I have to do grocery first! So I waved good bye and Minho came running to catch up with me.

"Where the hell are the taxis?" I am frustrated. It's getting late and my feet hurts. "Hey! There is one over there!" He said and I ran to catch up with the taxi. And we finally got a ride home.

It's traffic so the taxi hardly moves. "Hey, wake me up when we're near the mall." I told Vince and made myself comfortable.

I woke up to the hand that was caresing my hair. I blinked a couple of times to adjust to the light. And sat up straight in an instant.

I was sleeping in his lap!!

What the actual fuck did just happen??!!

He laughed and said "You seemed to be comfortable sleeping in my lap a few seconds ago."

I fixed my hair and looked outside the car. We're near now. I looked at him and said "I'm so sorry! I did not mean to...". "It's fine." He replied.

"Are you dropping off first?" I asked him. "I want to eat somewhere. Wanna come? My treat." That word is hard to resist.

"Nah, I cost you a lot of troubles already." I told him.

"Don't mind that. Seriously, it's boring eating alone anyway." He insisted.

"Well, I need to do grocery first. My room is empty of food already. Can you wait?" I asked.

"Yeah sure, it's still early."

So after shopping we went to a Korean restaurant that just opened a few days ago. "I really want to try this one." Vince said. We went inside and picked a cabin. The table has a grill in the middle. So we have to cook for ourselves then? We ordered a bunch of meat and fresh vegies and started cooking.

It was nice. Having a conversation with him. It was the first time we talked about ourselves. We always go home together on Thursday's but we don't talk. He's a shy person that is why he hardly ever talk to anybody.

And when we had the food ready. We ordered a glass of mild beer, to add the fun in the meal.

After eating, he payed for the meal and we head outside the mall. He even carried my groceries. "Hey, I got this. My room is just near here." I told him.

"Nah, let me, just to thank you for coming with me. Besides, you can't balance yourself well. The beer must be affecting you." he said. Yeah, I feel dizzy a bit.

So we went to my appartment and placed my things on the table. "Help yourself." I told him and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I don't know what happened but I just totally forgot that he's here!! I went to the closet to find my pajamas. And he was just sitting in the corner looking at me, wearing just a towel.

I looked at him and saw him smirking.

Oh fuck.

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Another one!
Honestly, this was half reality half dream.. You pick which is which.


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