Meeting Onew

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You are at the park bench. You wanted to buy some ice cream. As you walk you didn't notice that there is a car that is heading towards you. You just really shocked, your eyes widened, and just froze in front of it.

You just realized that your body was not hurt and was in like a warm hug. You opened your eyes and saw a handsome guy. "Are you ok miss? Are you hurt? where? Should I bring you to the hospital?" he ask worriedly as he calls the ambulance. The ambulance came and carried you to the hospital while you fainted again.

Few minutes later..

"Where am I?", you thought.

"Oh your awake. Doctor! nurse!" he yelled.

The doctor checked you and go out of the room.

"Where am I?, what happened?, who are you?" the questions split out of your mouth because of worrying.

"Firstly I am Lee Jin Ki but you can call me as Onew. You are at a hospital. You are being hit by a car but I drag you so you didn't." he explained. "Oh.. t-th-thank you." you stuttered.

"Your welcome. By the way, do you have a number of your parents? So that we can call them." he suggested. "I'm sorry but they are in Canada so I live by my self." I said lowering my head. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." He replied. "By the way, when can I go out from this hospital?" You said changing the topic. "You can go out after the doctor come back and talk to you." He replied. "Ok." The only words that come out to your mouth. The doctor came in and said that you could go home. While packing up Onew helped you. As you look at him you'll see his sparkling eyes that makes you chuckle to yourself. You think of him and wondered of why do you feel something. You thought that you are falling in love with him. But you thought that it's impossible because you just met him few hours ago. "I'll help you." He said. His eyes locked with yours. "No I can do it its ok." You replied.

As you walk at the hospital he waved at you and left.

While walking home you always think of him.

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