Meeting Minho

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You are at your house when you feel that you are bored.

You grab your jacket and headed to the park.

As you walk, as you are facing the ground, you suddenly bumped into a man.

"ouch" you say as you fell into the ground.

"ohh, I'm sorry." as he help you to get up.

"I should be the one to say sorry." as you fix yourself.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

"T-t-to the park." answering him.

"I'm also going there, let's go there together, can we?" he asks.

"o-o-okay" you answered blushing.

(At the park for about 5 minutes.)

As you both walking, he ask "What's your name?"

"_-_-_____, and yours?." blushing

"Minho, ohh I'll be leaving. bye nice meeting you." he walks out of the park.


2020 Update: I was 12 when I started this. This is short af but hey, we like smol cute feels right?

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