Key: Courage

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[The context for my next few updates is (Japanese High School); I am also crediting "Nobel", a japanese mangaka because I had this idea because of one of their book]

Key's POV

It's the school festival, and everyone's busy on their respective activities. Not that I'm not doing anything myself, but I'm tasked to become a monster in our haunted house. Cool right?

To make things short, I've been eyeing a girl in my class. She's a bratty blonde who does nothing but to chase her crush which is the school's most handsome guy. I know, I am no match for him already. One thing I know, she's gonna hurt herself, that guy's interested in nerds.

So we were both in the same task, being ghost and monsters. And luckily we had the same break time. I had to go up to her and ask

"Wanna grab some drinks? We better hydrate ourselves before it's our turn."

"Thanks, but no thanks. Taemin also has his break time right now!" and she ran off to see his prince charming.

Ouch. That definitely hurt. Still gotta hydrate myself if I want to last until tomorrow.

A few moments later she came in with a horrible expression written on her face. How I wish I vould tell her to snap out of it already. She's getting herself hurt by chasing a man not for her! But having no guts I let the day end without comforting her. I mean, were not close anyways.

Now your thinking, why do I like her?

Behind that bratty attitude she's got, she's kind and smart. Heck, she befriended the girl her crush likes? And she even defended the nerd when the other girls dissed the nerd for being close to Taemin. She's good at maths and sciences and teaches people when they need help. Won't you fall in love with her as well?

- - -

Your POV

Well, I know, its futile in itself to still run after him knowing he hella liked my friend. I am rooting for her too. But, he was my crush since middle school you know? I even got rejected already.

But you know what? I also ditched that classmate who offered to have a drink with me yesterday. Key, was it?

And so the last day of the festival started and we set up ourselves for our haunted house. Ah, I remembered there is going to be bonfire and dance after this. Not that I'm interested though. I don't have a date with me. So the day continued and we finally finised out last set of visitor! Now it's going to be clean up time and go home afterwards.

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Key's POV

We cleaned the whole place and we set up our class party to celebrate the successful festival! Well we just ate snaks and drank juice to ourselves while chatting.

And when everything was set. I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door when a certain blonde ran past me

"I could really go for the bonfire right now since I'm free?"

I smiled and walked to her

"Would you mind if I were to be your date at the bonfire?"

"Not at all."

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