Key: Caught In The Act

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Key: Caught In The Act

Third Persons POV

You and your boyfriend Key as well as SHINee planned to camp in a forest.

You brought 3 huge tents of coarse you and Key are in one tent.

You were surrounding the camp fire, singing random songs, playing, enjoying, but one person looks unsatisfied.

You leaned closer to Key, resting your head in his shoulder. "If we could just be like this forever." You sighed. He's not saying anything, so you looked up at him. He looks like wanting for something. So you asked him, "What's wrong?" He then sighed. "I want something that is already mine." He said, still no expressions. Your confused but the it hit you, you already know.

"Just wait, you'll get it soon" you whispered in his ears. He then looks exited. You smirked, you really know what he wants.

A bit later, you cleaned the place with the help of Key since the others were asleep. He really looks exited, and a bit impatient.

And the time you entered the tent, you heart beats fast. He is now topless, you had seen him like this for a year but it still feels like the first time. He has a milky white skin and the indescribable body.

But you then acted normal. You also couldn't sleep with a shirt, so you removed it confidently, showing off your perfect body that anyone would envy.

You then lay with him. But he was a bit more energetic than usual. He balanced himself above you, and starts kissing you, small kisses became long. Then moving downwards. He's fondling your breasts, giving you more pleasure. And you on the other hand, opens slowly his pants. His hands moved downwards, until it reached your own. He fast removed your shorts and starts teasing off your clit. "Ugh. Kibum." You groaned.

You bit your lips when he has entered your panties, and you on the other hand has entered his.

He inserts his hand inside you while you stroke his. "Aahh.. ummh." You both moaned as you both pleasuring each other.

- - - - - - - - -

Onew was looking for Key's earphones because he is the only one who brought. So Onew headed to Key's tent. Wheb he opened the tent he gasped.

"Ki-kibum" he stuttered.

He then remembered a girl 3 weeks ago.


* * * * * * * *

Who could be this girl?? ^_^

Dedicated to geekykpoper. ^_^ hope you liked it! :)

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