Jonghyun: Miss Costomer

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You really love to go and drink coffee in Starbucks. You are also close to their crew and you had a crush on him .

Jonghyun. He is a crew in Starbucks for almost 4years. He had a crush on you for 2 years.

Jjong's POV

I was cleaning a table when a person entered the cafe. Its (y/n)!!

"Jonghyun!" She gladly said.

My heart skips a beat every time I hear her calling me.

"Yes?" I replied *blushing*

"Take a seat." I added.

Your POV

He gave me a seat near the window where I always like. I blushed.

"What's your order miss?" He said.

"My favorite breakfast!" I replied.

He went to the kitchen to get my order.

"Here miss. Enjoy your meal." Jjong said.

I started eating. When I finished my meal. I called him.

"Let's go to the usual @ 6:45!" I requested.

"Ok" he replied

>>>>>>>*fast forward*<<<<<<<

Jjong's POV

Its know 6:30 I immediately removed my apron and ran to the park. Perhaps it is just near the cafe.

*6:45 pm*

I saw (y/n) there. I think she's waiting for me.

"(Y/n)! " I shouted.

"Oh! jonghyun!" She replied gladly.

"Am I late? Did I make you wait for too long?" I asked worriedly

"Ani. Your just on time." She replied.

I was glad when she said that. I really don't want her to wait for too long for me. We chatted and chatted until I remember my proposal to her.

"What kind of proposal do you like?" I asked nervously.

"I like.. In the beach, then we'll have a peace place to eat. Our table will be covered with white and pink table cloth. And our surroundings will have scattered rose petals and candles. Then he will propose in front of me."

"Oh.." I said memorising all the things she said.

"By the way, why did you asked that?" She asked.

"I just want to know..

You know..

New topic.." I said while blushing.

Your POV

I thought when he asked that he will propose on me but I was wrong.

>>>>>*The Next Morning*<<<<<

I woke up at 6:00. I take a bath and dressed up heading to my favorite cafe.

I entered the cafe and saw jonghyun texting.

"Hey!!" I said.

He was shocked and hid his phone.

"Is he having a girlfriend?? I hope not. :( " I thought.

"What's yours ma'am?" Jjong said.

"My usual!!" I gladly said behind my sadness.

He came back and brought a waffles and a hot choco.

"Enjoy your meal!" He gladly said.

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