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Notice this please?? *aegyo*

Ehem ehem.. ^_^

Well, mianhae for not updating for ages. I planned to update but watty came shitty and deleted them. I was furious like Oh gosh I'm gonna give up on wattpad. Yeah.. Lots of things going on like me fan girling over Harry Potter books(I love Draco 😍). And my summer sucks -_- . Oh yeah so I just wanna give up on these and just silently read. I really want to share some feels over SHINee yah know.. They are my husbands and people just keep on saying I really suck so I'll just accept it. :'( It hurts but I think it's true so... Well I'm going to update just from requests.. WARNING! Slow updates coming or no update till request or just stop because people hate me. (I keep on saying it? Yeah I do.)

I love you

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