My teacher (cont.)

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This is the continuation of the Jonghyun. It was cut sorry. :(


You were confused. "Why is he just wearing civilian? It's first day of school!" You thought.

"Why are you just wearing civilian? It's the first day of school! Would a teacher let you enter his/her class if your not wearing uniform?" You. He chuckled. "Yahh!! Why are you chuckling? Am I a comedian?" You. He didn't answered. The both of you were silent untill...

You entered the room. "Where is he? I think he'll be with a friend." You thought. "Good morning class." He said.

"Good morning sir." They all said but you were just quiet and your jaw dropped.

"H-he's my teacher?!!!" You thought.

"I think someone needs to introduce herself." Him. You went to the front and introduced yourself. You were blushing the whole class because you just shouted on your teacher a while ago.

(Skip at the end of class)

The bell rings you are now dismissed

"Class dismissed, ______, remain." Jonghyun.

Everyone went out remaining me and sir Jonghyun.

"Mianhe songsaengnim." You bowed 90°…

"Gwaenchana but… you'll gonna treat me." He said.

You melted inside as you saw he's sparkling eyes. You and Jonghyun went out of the room.....

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