Taemin: Not Doing Anything For Today

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This is requested and she asked to name the partner as Sara.

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It was a cold January morning. Snow falling outside Taemin and Sara's house. Sara adjusted her eyes from the light and looked at her boyfriend. "Morning sunshine." he greeted and kissed her forehead. "Morning" she replied.

"What do you want to do today love?" he asked. "Hmm. Nothing much. It's very cold." she murmured. cuddling in Taemin's chest for warmth. "Nothing much then." He said and hugged her.

Minutes later a rumbling sound erupted making Sara blush. "You hungry?" he asked trying to hide his laughter. "Obviously you idiot." she said. "Ok." he said and got up.

Later he came with a tray of food which includes pancakes and hot chocolate.

Sara smiled at the aroma and sat up. Taemin place them at the bed and they started eating. "Komawo oppa." she said sipping her hot chocolate. "Anything for you sunshine." he replied and placed a kiss on Sara's temple. They placed the tray at the table and lied back on the bed. Taemin's arm snake around Sara's waist as she snuggled to Taemin's warm chest.

And the day came with Taemin and Sara cuddling and talking and watching as the snow fell on a January morning.

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