Onew: Welcome Home

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I am going to dedicate this to my friend who requested this.
[! WARNING !] R18 - Please read at your own risk.

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2 years was gone. These days you might finally see him. He was gone into the military. And now that he is done, you could finally have him beside you again.

Today, now news has been brought to you that he is out. Maybe he still has something to do or matbe he is still on his way home. Night came and you still did your usual business and climed up to bed as you felt sleep dominate your mind.

Closing the lamp you set your book on the bedside table and wrapped yourself on the warm covers.

Little did you know a guys was at your doorstep, fiddling with the key and lock and enters your house.

Onew's POV

I entered the house and saw hints of things as the whole place was pitch black. I went to the kitchen to grab some water and finally went to the bed to see my beloved.

I saw her sleeping peacefully. Her hair had grown longer and her face pale and beautiful. 2 years seemed to be forever for me. Every night I'd wonder if she would eat and sleep normally with out me. Or if she took care of herself well. All these thoughts are always making me miss her more.

So I went to take a shower and after changing to my sleeping attire I went back to the bed. I joined her and she was facing her back. This girl is totally a sleeping person, not noticing me move around the room. This made me chuckle.

I wrapped my hand around her waist. She woke up from te touch and saw me. "Onew!" she said and hugged me. "I missed you so much." she cried. Wiping her tears I replied, "You never knew how much I missed you baby." and hugged her tigher and felt her warmth on me.

I kissed her, making her know how much I longed for this. She replied and slowly moved them. Oh God how I missed this so much. After a few minutes we parted and gasped for air. We went in again for another kiss, each second turning it into a make out. I slipped my tongue on her mouth, exploring every part of it.

I started to roam my hands on the frame of her body, caressing them. Everything got heated. I licked on her jawline, and trail kisses on her neck. I stretched the neckline of her shirt, revealing her shoulder. I gave her a mark on that spot where she liked the most. Marking her mine and no one else's. We stopped for a moment as I took her shirt off. She didn't wear any bra so it showed half of her body already.

I caress every part of it. And soon my mouth went to caress them too. I licked and sucked her nipples on the left and massaged the right. Soft moans escaped her lips as I do it. Giving her all the touch I was eager to do. It took me about a minute or two on both of her breasts, exploring them with my mouth. When I was done I came back to her lips. We shared a heated kissed and she was starting to grope my member, caressing it. Little moans escaped from me in between our kisses. She know how to do it so well that it made me harder to breathe.

Finally I could not wait for it anymore I stopped our kiss and went to remove every piece of clothing that was blocking our way. My kissed trails down to her neck onto the middle of her breasts and in her stomach. I looked at her, asking for permission to take her and she nodded making the word "please" in her mouth.

I spread her legs, revealing her already wet entrance. I licked it, owning a loud groan from her. I continued, licking everything and inserted my tongue on her hole. Making her moan louder. "I want more." she cried and I granted her wish. I inserted two fingers on her hole earning "yes, fuck" from her. I started to finger her. "umm. Fuck harder baby." she moaned and I inserted a finger more and finger fucked harder. "Ugh.. Shit baby I.. Fuck." she moaned and groaned to every slide.

"I want you baby. Please." she said and we switched position. She was on top and caressing my hard member. She licked the head making me shiver and went on to sucking it. She was so good at doing this that it makes me faster to come. But I want this to last longer and feel her warm mouth longer. She went to deep throat making me jerk my hips forward. Then she stopped, looking at me and given me orders to start fucking her already.

We changed position and I positioned my hard cock to her wet entrance. I gave the first thrust. "Oh fuck" she said. And I continued on thrusting and we soon exchanched moans and groans of pleasure.

"Onew baby fuck."

"Fuck harder."

"mmm.. Yes.. Ugh!"

We fucked in unison and I felt that familiar sensation on my abdomen.

"I'm coming baby." I said and soon the with a loud groan I came inside her.

Still giving hard thrusts and hitter her sweet spot. "Fuck! Baby! Ugh!" and she went to her orgasm.

I pulled out and said "I love you baby." ans she replied "I love you too. Welcome home." and we went to sleep.

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And finally I am done with it! Tell me if you liked it! Comment down my fellow Shawols! And please don't forget to vote if you liked it. Feel free to comment any suggestions to my awful writing. Hehe 😊.. If you have requests! Feel free to message me anything! 😘😘

I love you people! 💓

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