Taemin: Angel

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Taemin's POV

Everyone's odd. They been smiling and giggling here at the backstage. We'll be having our first ever performance of Sherlock (Clue+Note) at M! Countdown. But my members are litteraly insane. They've been smiling all the way here. Tapping my back ang saying congratulations every now and then.

I would say they congratulated everyone for this comeback... I guess?

Before we could go I called on to my mother-in-law to check on my wife if she is okay. She is pregnant and I am very worried about her. She might be on her delivery this week. She's been on the hospital and I'm not even there because of this.

"I should not have accepted this. I need to be there before our child come out!" I did want to go on a comeback on our group yet. It's been months since we prepared for the comeback, and I have not been checking enough on my own wife whose gonna have our child soon! "No. I am fine if you are worrying about me. I have mom during— I have mom here with me if something happens." she said. I frowned but I guess I have to trust her. "Tell me immediately when something happens okay?" I told her will full worry. "Yes I will. Now off you go, enjoy your performance. I'm rooting for you and your group. Love you" and with that she ended the call.

It's a bit odd as well that she's rushing to end the call. Well, maybe she's hurting right now that it's near her labor? These thoughts are making me a lot more nervous right now.

A few performances of other artists later we were called on stage. Phew. This is it. I need to focus and give it my all.

While performing I have to say that the group is like a lot times more energetic than all our practices in combination. Well that is given when we are performing in front of our dear fans, but they're smiles are a bit, off?

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It's night time and we ended the performance successfully. The group decided to have a small party at the dorm but they made a consideration for me because I had to go to the hospital immediately. I know this is not yet the end of our comeback but I had to make sure that my wife is okay. I miss her so much and I want to see her badly.

They were so considerate to even send me to the hospital. But when we were about to go my wife called me and told me to fetch a book home because she had finished her recent book already. So I told Manager-nim to send me home instead. My members don't even look tired and still grinning like crazy.

When we arrived, I got off the car and opened the house. When I opened the lights the world just went x.50 slower.
I saw my wife and my mother-in-law came out from the back of the sofa yelling "Congratulations!". As lame as it could get I can't help the tears running down from my eyes at the sight of my beloved wife in a wheel chair, smiling beautifully as she approaches me. I immediately went to embrace her. Oh gods, I can't explain it myself how much I've missed her.

When I went to hug my mother-in-law, my group with our manager went inside the house with a cake. I did not wait for them to leave so I did not notice they were still outside!

I had to wipe my tears off because they were laughing so hard at the sight of their member crying like a child. "This answers all those nasty grins you had the whole day." I told them. "We can't help it! It's just so funny that you were so oblivious! Well your wife is a good actress herself." and my wife laughed at the comment of Jonghyun-hyung.

After all that talk we went to the kitchen to have the dinner party. They had all the dishes ready and now added with the cake the hyungs bought. I am so happy to see all of this and I can't wait to see my angel.

After the dinner which took very long with all those chats and laughter the hyungs already went back to the dorm. With the assurance that I'll be there first thing in the morning.

I had to carry my wife carefully to our bedroom because it's just been days since the labor and she could not stand on her own. I layed her down and approached the crib where our little angel was sleeping.

Tears started forming again as I caress my daughter gently. I can't help but to feel happy and sad that I wasn't there when she came out.

I went to lie beside my wife, "Your amazing. I'm so sorry I wasn't there. But you did so well." I kissed her forehead. "We can't help it. But it's also a good thing that I surprised you like this. A gift, for working so hard for us." I can't express enough my love for this wonderful woman I am with. I am so lucky to have her, and now with my child.

I am blessed with wonderful angels.

end —
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Yay! Another update in AGES! Welp, how are you people? I missed this! So much ideas coming into mind just by writing this new one! I will upload maybe almost every day to compensate for the hiatus that took forever!

Hoping to receive requests from ya'll because I love it when I write with people looking gorward to them. Hehe

That was so assuming of me. Anyways, don'tcha think we were the Angels? Hehe.

Love ya'll always

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