Always By Your Side

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Third Person's POV

Taemin went inside his home to see his elder sister, ________ at the sitting room. "Oh. Taemin!" She greeted and hugged him. He really love her sister. She is very supportive of him and very protective. 

"How is your first show?" She asked excitedly. He frowned a bit and said, "It was fun." She noticed that there were no enthusiasm in his voice. "Taemin what's wrong?" She is worried of course. Taemin always wanted to be a performer. And it must be too serious to suddenly wipe off the smile in him. He was sad that neither of his parents came to watch him perform. It was his first show!

"Taemin, I know you wanted them to come." She said. "They never liked this decision." Taemin said. "It'll be fine. I'm here. Your fans are here. At least there are thousands of people for you. I know they can't replace a parent, but I know soon, they will come out." She said reassuringly. 

"Thanks noona." Taemin mused and hugged her sister.

>>> TIME SKIP <<<

They went to their parent's house after that night. It was unusually dark, looking from the outside. But Taemin didn't bother to ask his sister about it. His parent's must have gone to another meeting outside the country.

"Bro, I'll just park this at the back. You go inside." she said. He carried his things and went inside the house. He turned the light on and suddenly

"CONGRATULATIONS LEE TAEMIN!" boomed voices came out. It was his parents, members and his elder sister. He felt tears rushing down to his cheeks while everyone was hugging him and laughing. He laughed with them too. 

"It was all your sister's idea." My mom said. "We are really sorry we didn't go to your performance. We watched live, and son, I am so proud of you." his dad smiled and hugged him. "Komawo umma, appa." he said.

"Taeminie!!" said one of his member, Key. "We are so proud of you!" said Jonghyun. Then he rushed to the kitchen to look for his sister. "Noona!" he called. She looked at him and grinned. "I told them not to go. I'm sorry." she said. "Gwenchana. Komawo noona." he said and hugged her once more.

She laughed and the day continued happily as they celebrated the success of Taemin's first Performance.

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Just a short imagine for all of you!! Mianhae!!! I am really busy at school. But now I am really free to accept and write imagines for all of you!! Just comment or PM me.

This was requested. I hope she liked it.


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