Onew: A peaceful Christmas night.

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It's now Christmas and you don't have the mood to go or have a party. Just being with your boyfriend Onew will be a nice Christmas night.

Onew noticed that you look lonely and bored while you sat beside the window. So he asked you. "Wanna watch some movies? Your to lonely.."

You nodded and sat in the couch. He put a DVD and you two watched.

It was a romantic movie.

You were both hugging each other covered with a blanket below your head.

You slept and Onew saw you. He turned off the DVD player and TV.

He scooped you up bridal style and walked to your room. He opened the door with his foot and gently placed you on the bed.

He kisses your forehead and said "goodnight jagiya~ I love you."

Then lays himself beside you wrapped his arm around your waist covered the both of you with blanket and slept..

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