Taemin: Press My Number

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Third Person's POV

Taemin kissed you goodbye as he got out for practice."Don't forget to call when something happens! Be safe jagiya!" He said then went to work.

Your POV

I sat at the couch in our sitting room and watch some morning shows. Later I felt tired, I yawned and took a nap.

I woke up on the sound of clinking metals. I checked the time on my watch and saw it was still early for Taemin to go home. I thought of anyone that might be visiting here but thought of nothing. My eyes went wide as I thought of a snatcher.

I slowly walked near the kitchen and saw him making a mess with my utensils. The window was damaged which I guess he used to go inside.

As dumb as I was, I hit a pan and made a noise. He looked at me. I can only see his eyes because the rest of his face was covered in cloth. I gasped and started to run back to the sitting room. I grabbed my phone and got out while dialling Taemin. The phone started ringing but unfortunately the thief caught my arms and so my phone fell. "Yoboseyo?" Taemin said. Oh god thanks it was on loud speaker.

"Taemin! Help! T-mmmm!" My shrieks became muffled voice as the thief covered my mouth. I wriggled to free myself from his tight grasp but no luck. "Jagiya? Gwenchana? Wait! I'm comming home this instant!" He said and no noise came from the phone but still the call was there.

The thief dragged me inside the house and tied me on the chair at the kitchen.

Third person's POV

Taemin ran to his car and immediately held the call of her girlfriend. He dials the police and explained everything. His heart raced at the thought of danger in their home.

Minutes later he can hear the sirens of the police mobiles outside their house. He quickly pulled out on the side and got out of the car. "Sir, your girlfriend is being held by the thief. We are getting trouble about it but we are currently doing anything we can to get her without further damage. If you may sir calm down and one of our officers will be sending news right away." The police said and Taemin's heavy breathing calmed a bit. But his sweaty hands and heartbeat is making him mad. He keeps walking back and forth, rubbing his hands while thinking of the safety of his loved one.

He snapped back to reality when he heard a gunshot. Please.. Please god save my girl.. I love her and I can't lose her. He thought. Then there were constant shouting until....

"Ahhh!!" Shrieked ________. And he lost it. He ran as fast as he can inside the house and the policemen were not able to stop him. He searched inside to see the thief holding a bag which contains the things he stole. "Please spare my girlfriend. I'll give money. Please don't hurt her." He begged at the man. The man nodded and Taemin brought his money.

He walk nearer to the man who was reaching his hand to the money. Instead of the money, he grabbed the man's right arm with his left and twisted it to the man's back and shoving him on the wall.

"Help!!" He shouted and the policemen came in and helped him get the thief. He hurriedly went to his girlfriend and untied her. He hugged her tightly murmuring "your safe.. thank god.. I'm here.. your here.. I'm not losing you.." to her ear. He pulled back and kissed her passionately.

"Saranghae ________"

"Saranghae Taemin oppa."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

How was it? Mianhae for not updating for ages. I'm currently fangirling over HARRY POTTER. And for those who are dans of it too.. I have Harry Potter X Reader.. You can request any imagine there with any HARRY POTTER character. But I am trying hard to update on here too..

So vote if you like it, comment any thoughts you have about it, and request if you want another imagine that will be dedicated to you! ^_^

~ OnKeyJongTaeMin

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