Onew: Caught In The Act

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[Warning! Bad addiction ahead (smoking). Don't read if your sensitive to such.]

You were quite the deliquent. Not really but you could call it a scary outcast. After school you went behind the school gymnasium and lit a cigarette. You inhaled and exhaled the smoke which calmed you down.

You've been there for quite some time when someone caught you. "Holy shit!" You quickly pressed the cigarette at the wall and dropped it behind you. "What the hell are you doing here?!" You snarled.

"I should ask you the same question. It's past class hours and club time already." It was Onew, the Student President and your class representative. He's you're typical know-it-all and stck to the rules. Very annoying indeed.

"Not your business. Get away from me." you snarled, but he just stood there and stared at you.

"It is my job of course, the wellfare of every students and the school as the student president." He walked up to you. "And smoking is not good for us students." he crossed his arms.

"You gonna tell me to the teacher now huh?"
you spoke back, deep inside afraid that your mother will know about this, not that she cared anyway.

"Not quite, I need you to do something for me instead." he walked up closer, an arm away from you.

"What? Become your slave? Lick your shoe? What a cliche bastard. The hell I am."
you hissed.

"Kiss me."

You paused.

What? Did I hear that wrong?

"What the hell?" He moved closer, until he's a breath away. "I just need to know, if I can fall in love with a girl." He said looking directly at you. "What? Are you gay or something?" you laughed. "No, I've checked that myself." He did?

"It wouldn't be much of a problem right?" he asked. "Of course not! Its not like your my first." you lied, just to look tough.

"Oh maybe I can just buy you off? How much?" he smirked, he knew you were lying. "What the hell?! If you had like a million dollar I might consider." you smirked, there is in no way he was serious. "Well we can settle that." he opened his phone and called someone to get the money. "No no no! What the hell are you doing?!" he paused. Was he serious?

"Then you shouldn't try to price yourself that low." and he connected his lips with yours.

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I'm thinking of doing a full book of this, of Onew cuz his my bias and all. Whatcha think? Vote if you liked this! ^_^ Thank you for reading! <3

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