Jonghyun: Studying

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Yes. I am going to continue writing for 5HINee. Hoping he'll appear on my dreams like this.

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The door bell rang and a certain boy ran to the door to open it. He was so excited and finally he got the chance to take her at his house.

~ flashback ~

Jonghyun, a graduating high school student, has been crushing on ________ since his first year of high school. But never had the courage to confess. Talk about a typical loser. But today, he probably was heard after three years of praying that he could talk to her.

"So class, with your coming college entrance exams I recommend that you have your study mates with the same course your taking for you to not cram. Best of luck. Ah, and for those who are entering cram schools..." the teacher's words were inaudible to him thinking about what the teacher announced.

Study mates...

Study mates...

With the same course...

Then with who?

He doesn't know who he will have. He's taking up Performing Arts so there's no way a classmate could be the same as his choice. Right?

He looked back at the window and thought,

Well, I can study on my own just right. How I wish I could study with her. What is she taking up in college anyway?

He sighed.

"What a big sigh of sorrow that is. I saw your future career paper before I passed it to our adviser. You're taking Performing Arts right? Mind if I become your study mate?"

He just paused, probably not breathing anymore. The girl of her dreams, talked to her. Offered to be his study mate.

Gods? Are you gonna take me now? Maybe later after we study?

"Hello?" the girl waved at the man who just kept staring at her.

He snapped out of it. "Oh yeah. Yeah. Sure." he panicked! He imagined himself face palming. His first ever conversation with his crush ended up with him being such a dumbass.

"And oh, mind if we study at your house? My parents are really a pain when I bring classmates home." She smiled, hoping it okay for him.

On the other hand, the high school boy, if he could explode, he already did.

Holy crap!

We're gonna be study mates?

I'm gonna take her home?

God can I tell her to stay with me forever already?

~ end of flashback ~

And so that brings him back to present, opening up the door he saw her. Dressed in a normal shirt and a long skirt. Bringing with her a tote bag probably with her books and review stuff.

He cleared his throat, hoping his breath doesn't smell bad even after brushing for more than three minutes. "Come in." was all he could say. But at least he had the courage to take her bag for her.

Going in she saw his living room with his family sitting at the couch watching tv.

"Mom my classmate's here. We'll be in my room to study." he told his parents already about his crush coming.

"Oh dear, are you her? Your beautiful! Have you eaten dinner already? Should I prepare one for you?" his mother approached her and she blushed. She never thought she'd be welcomed in such manner.

"I've already eaten, thank you for the offer. I'm ________. Pleased to meet you." she said bowing with respect.

"Aren't you lovely? Well I'm Eun Kyung. It's a pleasure to meet you dear. Now off you go. I'll be coming after with your snacks." she let the two go and went to the kitchen to prepare.

Not noticing, Jonghyun is red all over his face. "I'm so sorry. Mom's really like that when I bring classmates." he was embarrassed.

"Oh no worries, she was lovely as well. I hope my mom's like that when I bring friends over." she chuckled.

Friemds... Friends?

Does she consider me as a friend?

Did I just used up all my luck for this day?!

Well they went upstairs and to his room. Which he cleaned all afternoon just to have a good impression. "Sorry it's a bit messy."

"Not at all. My room's worse." they laughed and settled at his study desk and started studying.

Minutes later Jonghyun's mom nocked at the door. Jonghyun opened it and saw his mother and sister Sodam.

"Here's your snacks. You study well dear." and his mother left. Sodam gave him a small pouch and whispered

"Prepared you some lube and protection there. Don't be too noisy." Jonghyun throwed her back the bag while blushing like a tomato. His sister ran down the stairs while laughing hard. What a troll.

He went back and placed the snack tray at the side and the continued studying. Which was hard for him while thinking about what his sister said.

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I hope it's alright for you all that I made her a troll. Tell me if I should continue writing imagines with Jjong or nah. I sure love him still. I miss him.

Hey don't forget to vote if you like this! Komawo!

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