Key: I will never hurt you Part 1

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(Mature content)

Dedicated to @SEHUNNIE_11


Here is your request.


You were at the exit of a supermarket near a jewelry shop. While you were heading to your car you saw your boyfriend in the jewelry shop holding a necklace with your best friend.

Tears forming from your eyes and and fell down like water falls. You headed to your house and rushed to your room then you sat in the floor. You leaned your back in the wall and cried hugging your knees.

You heard the voice of your boyfriend. "Babe?" You cried harder. He heard you and ran to your room, "Why are you crying?" he said calmly. "Do you want to know why I'm crying?" you shouted between you sobs. "You just cheated on me!! Do you think? I didn't saw you flirting with my best friend?"


Sorry its too long..

Part two will be posted tomorrow.


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