You Did Well

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Every single night, you wake up sweating, numb and shaking. His voice echoing through your ears. Screaming the same thing:

"I did well right?!"

It's haunting you for days. But you don't want to do something about it.

He was your best friend, your lover. But you never went to see him go. Because you don't want to accept that he's gone. And you prefer to think he went far away. And just could not reach out to you. Because you know, the thought of him gone forever, eill kill you.

Your parents did not understand. Why of all people, you did not went to see him go. And never came to visit him. You'll just say:

"I can't. You know he went far away to work."

Everyday you would leave voicemails and still thinking that maybe he listened to all of it but was too busy to reply.

Everyone would tell you to accept it. But you just shake them off.

"No he's not. He's just away working and saving for our future."

But today, it was different. Different from all of those typical nightmares.

You woke up crying. His words fresh on your mind. His smile. His face. That you were eager to see. You saw them

"I know it's been hard for you. I know you can't accept the fact that I am gone. But baby listen.

Even if you won't see me anymore, I am always there. As long as you still remember me, I am always there.

I am in your heart.

And don't worry about me. You are free. You have to be yourself again. And that would be the last thing I would love you to do.

For the last time, I will ask you,

Have I done well?"

You wiped out the tears. You are no longer holding back from accepting. You are ready to face the truth. You are ready to see the bigger and better picture. That he wanted you to see.

You went down. Happier than ever. Feeling contented. No more weight that was holding you from being your old bright self. Because you are finally seeing him go.

Yes a bit late, but not yet over, you walked into the wide terrain. Bright green grasses making the atmosphere lighter.

Heart ready you sat and looked at the stoned. Engraved with his name. Memories flashed fast into your mind. Those happy and sad days you had.

So you pulled yourself together and said

"You did well, my love."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

So I don't want to put the word funeral because I don't want to cry. He is not my bias but he wrote the songs that made me love them.

It's very late. I don't want to do something like this because it hurts. But now its ok.

So please vote if you liked it. Comment anything you wanted to say about it. And message me your requests cuz I'm finally back! And I do not have anything to do this summer(asian kid here). Byeeee!!!

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