Min Ho: Your mine now

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Its 9:38 pm you boyfriend hasn't come back yet as he said a while ago. So you decided to call your bestfriend Minho to be with you while waiting for him.

*Phone conversation*

You: "Yeoboseyo??" (With a sad tone)

Minho: "Nae?, is there something wrong?" (Worrying)

You : "Ani. I'm just bored because my boyfriend will be coming late. Can you be here?"

Minho: "Nae. Wait for me. I'll be there in 6 minutes. Bye! :)"

*End of conversation*

Minho grabbed his jacket and went to your house.

*doorbell rings*

As you heard the doorbell, you fastly go there to meet Minho.

The both of you decided to go to the park and had some fun.






While the both of you were sitting on the bench you saw a couple having their own business. You noticed that the back of the guy was familiar. And when he turned sideview, you already know that that guy is your boyfriend.

Tear start to form and fell rapidly. Minho covers your eyes for you not to see that, but its too late. You already saw them. Minho quickly sent you home and comforted you. Minho also packed your things while you were writing.

Dear (name of boyfriend),

    If you are reading this know I might be gone in this house. It really hurts when I saw you with another girl. I hope you'll be happy with her.

Sincerely yours,


Before you left you placed the note on the fridge.






*After 3 months*

You have moved on and you are already engaged with Minho.

It's your monthsary and you decided to plan your marriage in a coffee shop.

While waiting for Minho, you glanced at the window. You saw your ex running towards you.

Tears are forming and fell down again. Your ex was in front of you. Begging you to come back but you refused.

Minho saw the both of you and immediately come towards you.

"Babe, are you alright? Did he do something on you? Are you hurt?" Minho said with worries.

"Ani" you replied.

"Babe? How could you call my gf babe?" Your ex said angrily.

"Are you a fool?! You just hurted her three months ago! How could you say that she's yours huh?! She's mine know!!" Minho replied 3:\

Your P.O.V

"But- " *slap!!* I interrupted him with a slap.

"After what you did?! I'm still yours?!" *slap!* I shouted and slapped harder.

I know to myself that he's not for me.

"Let's go " Minho said

We are at the park again.

"Promise me. You'll be mine and I'll be yours. " he said

"I promise" I replied

He kissed me. And even he had kissed me many times I always feel butterflies in my stomach.

"I'll be yours forever" I whispered.


I think this is very long.


*pheww* *sighs*

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