Memories That May Not Be - Silly Mind Games

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When did I last shower?

I cannot recall.

Where are my books?

I am unsure.

Did I really lock the door?

Of course I did...

But, perhaps, I actually did not?? 

I don't remember!

Wait, which line was I on?

I cannot concentrate.

Did I say that in my head or with my mouth?


So fuzzy in my head,

so hazy are these memories,

and yet I am completely sober.

I can never differentiate between memory and imagination--

surely it should not be this hard!

Then why do I struggle so?

Ah, yes, it is the panic bugs,

constantly imagining scenarios and filling my brain with nonsense.

How clever you think yourself,

and rightly so, I suppose,

for I always fall for your silly tricks.

I am but a confused fool at their mercy,

constantly in fear of their next move.

The bugs play their mind games,

completely in control of me,

and all I can do is smile and say "I'm ok"

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