Little Blue Pills - Incurable Pain

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Why do I still hurt so?

Why do I still wish to die?


Why am I still in pain?

Each day I take a little blue pill

supposedly to take the pain away

but it does not work.

This kind of pain cannot be cured

perhaps I should empty this bottle now

then I would be free

free of pain.

I stare at the little blue pills with vacant eyes.

Do it, the ghosts tell me,

Swallow them all!

It would be better than suffering, wouldn't it?

Just end it now!

No one will miss you.

You can't escape the hell your father has made.

So close,

so close am I to swallowing all the pills--

oh how I want to.

How simple--

how easy--

it would be for me to die now than live in suffering.

I am completely broken

all my strength is gone

there is no hope

no love

only pain and misery.

Is that any way to live?

Yes, indeed,

how cruel it would be to make me live in suffering.

Please, just let me die.

These goddamn pills can't save me

nothing can.

Let me be free from this incurable pain.

Let me die.

~ ~ ~

Author's Note: How odd that misery and wanting to die can inspire art in the form of poetry. I'm not going to actually kill myself, don't worry. I just really want to sometimes, and today was one of those days. I'll be ok.

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