Guilt - How Dare I

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How much hurt you've caused me,

countless tears I've cried.

So many nights I laid in my bed, tears streaming down my face--

yes, all because of you.

And yet, dare I speak of it--

of what you've done--

you get angry.

But not out of your guilt--

oh no--

your anger stems from annoyance.

How dare I continue to bring this up

how dare I remind you of mistakes you've yet to apologize for

how dare I still be hurt--I should be over it, right?--

how dare I dwell on something that has impacted me so deeply

how dare I feel apathetic towards you when you've done so much for me

(that changes nothing)

how dare I.

And yet, 

you're allowed to hold something I said years ago against me?

I'm still supposed to love you as if nothing happened?

I should simply forgive you just because of your relation to me?

It's ok for you to continue to hurt me, but I cannot speak out against it?

If only we were not father and daughter!

I cannot say anything in defense of myself

because that's talking back--

so disrespectful, right?

I feel guilty because I hurt,

for not being able to move on,

for daring to speak out against you.

This should not be so!

My emotions are completely valid--

a lesson I only recently learned--

how I wish I knew this sooner.

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