Saying Goodbye - Death's Cruel Game

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How it pains me so to say goodbye to you--

we didn't have enough time together (never do).

My chest is heavy with grief

I can barely breathe.

I did not have ample time to prepare myself--

then again, do you ever?

Nothing in this world can prepare you for saying goodbye,

especially to someone close to you.

You can create infinite scenarios in your head all day long--

they do not even compare to what life throws at you.

It's always so different,

so real

that you cannot block the emotions as you do in your head.

You think you will be able to stop the tears,

steady your voice,

and be completely composed--

how wrong you are.

Nothing can prepare you for saying goodbye one last time,

if you're lucky enough to even get the chance.

The pain takes a hold of you,

making you lose complete control of yourself

and, darling, that's ok.

Sometimes, we do not get to say goodbye--

yes, that really sucks--

but no matter what the circumstances,

goodbyes are always painful, always hard.

It matters not your age,

loss is always difficult.

Yes, Death plays a cruel game indeed,

not because they enjoy it,

but simply because it's their job.

You think Death does not suffer?

Does not feel the same pain we do?

Oh how mistaken you are, my friend.

Yes, even Death must learn to say goodbye.

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