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I was sitting on a nice couch in a nice living room with four really attractive Australians. And they were throwing pizza toppings at each other.

"Yeah, when I asked for pizza," I said getting up as pepperoni and sauce came flying my direction, "this is not what I was thinking." I jumped out of the way as Ashton threw more cheese at me.

"It's fun though." He said grinning. I shook my head and put my plate down. I had actually eaten my pizza unlike the rest of them.

"Not really." I said as a pepperoni hit me on the neck. I glared at Luke and his eyes got wide. He pointed at Calum, blaming him, but I knew. I let out a slow breath before I threw an entire slice of pizza at him. I then threw my plate at Calum. But this only antagonized them so in about 2.6 seconds there was pizza flying at me from all angles. I did not enjoy this.

"See? fun!" Ashton repeated after all the pizza was on the floor at my feet. I was properly angry however. Mikey saw this and quickly handed me a napkin. It didn't really help but it's the thought that counts right? I snatched it from his hand and wiped the pizza sauce off my face. I began picking pepperoni and sausage out of my hair. They all just watched me.

"I have pizza sauce in my hair." I whispered. I looked at sauce best I could by pulling hair in front of my face. "And I smell like the beach - and not like those yummy smelling candles - and 5sos just threw pizza at me and-"

"Oh god we broke her." Mikey said looking panicked. Calum walked up and put his hands on my shoulders.

"It'll be okay," he said starting pick a chunk of crust out of my hair, "we have a shower that you can use." The others agreed quickly and they all shoved me up the steps and into the bathroom. Ashton handed me a towel and Luke grabbed some soap as Mikey turned on the water. They quickly rushed out and closed the door behind them. I took off my pizza covered clothes before I stepped into the shower. I did it as quickly as I could, not wanting to waste water, not to mention that I was showering in 5 Seconds of Summer's bathroom.

While I showered, the boys were down the hall talking. Calum had grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a tshirt to give to me, but Luke and Mikey distracted him.

"What are you doing?" Mikey asked frowning. Calum looked between the two blocking his way.

"I was going to put these at the bathroom door for Sydney to wear...?" He said slowly. Luke and Mikey seemed to think on this for a moment before Mikey scrunched his nose.

"Does she need them?" He asked. Calum laughed at him as Ashton joined them.

"She's not gonna walk around naked!" He said quickly, "....right?"

"Of course not!" Luke said shaking his head. Though he didn't seem very convinced, "No. Definitely not." He said finally. "Who's clothes are those?" Luke asked frowning, trying to pull them from Calum's hands.

"They're mine," he said rolling his eyes.

"Oh so she's just gonna wear your clothes then?" Mikey asked, sounding offended.

"Well I wasn't just gonna go and-"

"Is this your way of calling dibs?" Luke asked crossing his arms, "Because that is uncooth."

Calum was trying to get out a clear sentence but Mikey and Luke just kept cutting him off. "You know what, Luke?"

"What?" He said as Calum tossed the clothes aside.

"You just get her clothes then."

"Fine, but I'm using your sweats!" Luke said grabbing them from the floor. Calum rolled his eyes and went downstairs. While they'd be having this conversation, I had finished my shower and found a nice pile of clothes set on the counter. I hadn't even realized someone had opened the door. I put them on and towel dried my clean hair before I left the bathroom. I saw them in the hall and walked up to them. They looked at me and Luke frowned.

"Where'd you get that?" He asked pouting a bit. I shrugged and pulled at the tshirt. It was a shirt with a pony on it. It said ponies forever. I really had no idea who it belonged to.

"They were folded up on the counter." I said shrugging it off. I walked downstairs and saw Calum and Ashton sitting on the couch watching TV. I sat next to Ashton and he smiled at me.

"Oh good you found the clothes. Luke and Cal were taking an extreme amount of time gathering some so I just did it." He said.

"Thanks." I said, wondering about the shirt suddenly, "Is this your shirt?" I pointed to the pony and he laughed.

"Yes, but um," he scratched his forehead awkwardly as Calum sat forward.

"You can just keep it." He said with a playful wink.

"Yes I think that's best." Ashton agreed clearing his throat as Mikey sat down on the couch. I noticed they'd cleaned up the pizza mess to the point of piling it all in the empty box that sat on the coffee table. The channel changed on the tv and I found I was getting a bit tired. I yawned and my head slid into Ashton's shoulder.

"What are we gonna do now?" I asked, trying not to let myself fall asleep. Ashton shrugged as Luke entered the room. He squeezed himself onto the he couch between be and Ashton and then I was suddenly very squished between Luke and Mikey. "This is nice." I said moving over a tad, but then I was more on Luke than anything. He lifted his arm around my shoulders and Mikey moved over a little bit. I was nicely nuzzle into Luke now. I pulled my legs up and curled up, throwing my arm over Luke's waist. I honestly didn't the about it. I was just getting comfy. No. I was not thinking about the fact that he was attractive. Nor was I thinking about the fact that we were cuddling. Because I wouldn't have been doing it if I had. I mean, I just met them. I was not that sort of person.

"Let's watch a movie." Calum said grabbing the remote and changing the channel.

"What are we gonna watch?" I asked as Mikey and Calum started digging through DVDs. Really it could have been anything. I really didn't know their taste in movies, nor did I know what they owned. Neither of them responded, and then I was suddenly sitting in the dark room while everyone else got comfortable.

They'd picked Inception, and I was rather confused all the way through it. I was honestly shocked I stayed awake. By the time it ended, it was dark out and I decided I better get going home. I managed to peel myself out of Luke's grasp and I got up from the couch. They all looked at me as the credits rolled.

"I should go." I said looking at my watch. I had spent all day with these people. I knew most girls would kill for that time. I was also pretty sure most girls wouldn't volunteer to leave. But I had a house to get back to, even if no one else was there.

"Aw really?" Calum asked sitting up from his curled position with a pillow. I nodded and grabbed my bag.

"Yeah it's getting late." I said, "and I gotta pester Honey to call me." I smiled as they all got up and walked to the door behind me. "It was fun hanging out with you guys. Not the pizza part, but the rest was great." I caught Luke's eye then and I'm felt my cheeks get warm. That was when it came to me that I'd been cuddling with him. He smiled and I said goodbye to them before I took out my usual flip phone and called myself a cab.

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