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Arriving at the hotel with Luke should have been amazing. No kids around to keep track of. It was quiet. There were no pets chasing each other around. No one to worry about walking in on something.

Not the mention the room was breathtakingly amazing. It had Giant French doors that led out to a balcony that looked out onto the beach. And a huge bed, maybe bigger than our bed back home, was positioned against the wall. There was a couch and an arm chair across the room from the bed in front of a fire place. It should have been great walking into the room together, but I was on the phone with Pippa.

She called and called a million times while we were on the plane, so by the time we were off and I actually turned my phone on, I was sure something was dreadfully wrong. Only now no one would answer the phone and I was worried sick.

I sat down on the bed and dialed Liz's phone number again. Luke sighed and took the phone from me.

"Babe, I'm sure they're fine." He said hanging up and setting my phone aside. "My mum and dad are very capable of taking care of two kids for a week."

"But the called like ten times." I said trying to get my phone back. "Please Luke if I don't find out if they're alright I won't be able to focus on anything else." I wasn't lying. It's how Mums were wired. "One last try and I'll leave it alone." Luke handed me my phone back and I kissed him quickly before I redialed and held the phone to my ear. I tapped my fingers anxiously and Luke started to get us settled.

Liz picked up and I gasped, "Oh you answered! Okay so I got a bunch of calls earlier, everything okay?" I said quickly. I doubt Liz understood anything I said.

"Yes! Everything is fine. I don't think those calls were intentional." She said laughing, "Don't worry, Sydney. They'll be fine. You and Luke just have fun. We'll see you in a week." I let out a deep breath and nodded to myself.

"I'm sure they will be alright." I said, more to myself, "Okay, thanks Liz."

We said goodbye and I hung up my phone. Luke grabbed it and tossed it aside. "No more phones." He said wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Well I promised Pippa we'd-"

"Shhh," he said before he kissed me slowly. I hadn't been kissed like that in a while, so I just let myself relax as I kissed him back. This week was going to be good, and I finally felt excited about it rather than dreading it. "Okay, you need to change clothes because there are some dinner reservation for us in about an hour."

"Like, fancy?" I asked pursing let lips nervously, "because I didn't bring anything fancy."

"You brought that pink dress." He said peppering little kisses across my cheek. He was referring to a pink dress I bought while shopping with Honey and Kelsey on a girls night out. Which felt like a billion years ago when really it was more like two. "Wear that." I laughed and pushed him away from me. He rolled out his lip at me and I scrunched my nose.

"I only have an hour to shower and make myself pretty!" I said walking into the bathroom. I closed the door and started to get ready for a shower. I smelled like Airplane.

"You're already pretty!" Luke called after me. I laughed and hopped into the shower.

And in an hour, we were sitting in this fancy restaurant together. It was actually pretty funny because Luke kept acting like he just wanted to hurry up and leave.

I had been to plenty of places like this growing up, but I'd never been to a place this fancy with Luke. I wanted to enjoy it, but he really just wanted to eat and leave.

"Luke," I said as he drug me into our room. He closed the door quickly and grabbed my hands. He started pulling on me again and I laughed at him as he put my arms around his waist. "Luke can you please relax?" I asked as he started his kissing. He took off his jacket and tossed it into the couch before he pulled me against him. He slid his hands around to the zipper of my dress and I swatted him away.

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