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"No, Honey he sold it." I said sadly. "Actually sold it. My beach house now belongs to some sleaze who plans to remodel the entire thing!"

My dad called me this morning to let me know he sold my beach bungalow. He said he was permanently moving to New York and he didn't need it anymore, and since no one lived in it he was selling it. Never mind that I loved that place more than most anything. Now it was just gone.

I was sitting at Honey's kitchen table telling her about it now. She was making lunch while she listened to me whine.

It was a normal Tuesday morning for us. Luke was at Pippa's dance class with her, Andy was rolling around in the play pen while Abbey wandered around close by babbling and playing with a baby doll; it was nice seeing a little girl play with normal toys for once.

I was usually over here anyway, but I wasn't usually complaining so much.

"Well it makes sense why he sold it." Honey said shrugging. "No one lives there and it's not like you were going back there anytime soon."

"But so much happened there." I said pouting. "I lived there for three years!"

Honey laughed and got out plates to eat off of, "I know, but when was the last time you were even over there?"

"Well....it was when you were living there...." I mumbled, realizing how long ago that was. "But that doesn't mean I want him to just sell it!"

"But it's his house, babe." Honey said, using that tone she used when she was done talking about it. I sighed and leaned against the table on my elbow. It was completely unfair! I just couldn't understand how he could just sell my beach house without at least asking if I wanted it first. I would have bought it from him if he wanted.

"Does Luke know or are you just being all mopey and whiney without explaining it to him?" Honey put a plate of grilled cheese and chips in front of me.

"No I haven't said anything about it to anyone but you." I said as she grabbed Abbey and put her in her high chair to eat. "I don't know if he even cares. We have a beach house, why would he think about that one?"

"Sydney," Honey gave her baby some food and sat down next to me, "why do you care so much? You have a beach house, like you just said, you have a Luke and a Pippa and an Andy, none of which would fit in that tiny bungalow."

"I care because everything happened there!" I huffed. She didn't ask me to elaborate, so I didn't. We just sat in silence and ate our lunch.

"Is it my turn to whine?" She asked after a few minutes. I giggled and nodded before she sighed, "Mikey keeps asking me to marry him."

My eyes got wide as I choked on my food. "He does??" I asked loudly. I was shocked. I thought he didn't want to get married. I know Honey didn't.

"Well he hasn't actually asked, but he keeps hinting at it, pointing out churches and dresses and talking about good honeymoon spots." She rolled her eyes and I laughed.

"Damn...." I said. Michael never struck me as the type to notice wedding details whether he was getting married or not. "But you don't want to marry him?"

Honey let out a long breath, "It's not that I don't want to marry him. I love him. It's just that I don't want to get married to anyone."

"Yeah I don't get that." I said turning my own wedding band around my finger. "I mean, there's not really a difference to being married and how you're living now."

"I know, but what if we break up?" She said rolling her eyes, "I'm not saying we are, but if we do then it would be easier on everyone whereas if we were married we'd have to go through paperwork and then it'd be hard on Abbey and everything would be a mess!"

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