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So I'm jumping to Luke's POV for this chapter so yeah....


After I shoved Sydney and Kelsey out the door I turned to the guys. Michael was holding Pippa looking like he really didn't want to spend his night babysitting.

"Okay so, we have a half hour until bedtime." I said looking at the time on my phone. "So we feed her, give her a bath, put her in some clean clothes just in time for bed."

"Great," Mikey said handing the baby to me. "Have fun." I made a face at him before I went into the kitchen. I put her in the high chair and she immediately started screaming. Yay.

"Pippa, stop that." I said opening the baby food Sydney left us. I grabbed a spoon and sat down in front of her. "Aren't you hungry, Babe?" I offered a bite of the food but she only screamed more and knocked the spoon away.

"Luke it sounds like you're killing her." Ashton said walking into the room.

"She doesn't want to eat!" I said defensively. Ashton frowned and shoved me out of the seat.

"Now don't be so silly, Pip." He said picking up the food, "Here, it's yummy!" I watched him offer her a bit of food and she calmed down and took a hesitant bite. How was he better at this than me? Ashton gave her another bite and she started humming at him. I shook my head.

"Such a brat." I mumbled opening the fridge and grabbing a water bottle. I sat at the table and watched Ashton feed my child. I shook my head at them and Ashton laughed.

"Look man," he said wiping her face with a napkin, "she can tell when you don't wanna do it."

"I did wanna do it!" I said glaring at him.

"Maybe she wanted her mum to do it." He said shrugging.

"And you look so much like her?" I asked getting up from my seat. Ashton got up and handed me the food.

"Then you do it." He said shoving me into his seat. He grabbed himself a drink from the fridge and I smiled at Pippa. I offered her a spoonful of food. She just blinked at me and I sighed.

"Come on Pippa." I pleaded, "After this you can have a bath!" This didn't persuade her at all.

"Luke she knows you just want to get her to bed." Ashton said laughing, "You could at least act like you don't want her to hurry up and eat." I rolled my eyes and got back up. Ashton took his place again and he grinned at Pippa. She giggled at him and he giggled back as he offered the very same spoonful of food to her. She took it without a second thought about it. Ashton finished feeding her and I picked her up. She grabbed at my beard and I scrunched my nose at her. I kissed her cheek and carried her upstairs.

"Bath Time!" I said carrying her into the bathroom. I ran the water and got her all ready for it. I made sure the water was a good temperature and I made sure I had a towel for her when she was ready to get out.

But when I put her in the tub she, again, started screaming. What was I doing wrong? I sighed and took her back out. She was still screaming at me. "Pippa!" I groaned loudly. I put her back in the water as Mikey came running in.

"Damn Luke are you drowning her?" He asked loudly.

"No!" I said frustrated at the situation.

"Why is she screaming?" He asked knocking me out of the way. I huffed and stood back in the doorway of the bathroom. Mikey managed to calm her down and he gave her the bath. So far I could do nothing right apparently. Worst dad ever.

After she was clean he handed her to me wrapped in a towel. She yawned and rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"Okay..." I said going to her room, "Clothes...." I grabbed some pajamas and a diaper before going downstairs. Calum was sitting on the couch and I sat next to him.

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